Category Archives: community service

100+ College Prep Resources

college prep resources

It’s exhausting searching and scouring the internet for the right information when it comes to helping your student prepare for college. But what if you could use ONLY ONE RESOURCE and find everything you ever wanted to know about college prep? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Here it is. I’ve done the research, examined the links and their resources, and compiled a list of 100+ college prep resources for you. (If you know of others, please leave them in the comments and I will add them to the list!)

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What To Do If College Won’t Do


This may seem like an odd topic to introduce on a parenting for college blog. But it must be said. Sometimes college just won’t do. If you are one of those parents whose child isn’t thrilled with the prospect of college, I’m here for you. Not every child should go to college—there, I said it.

No college doesn’t necessarily mean your child is stuck in a low-paying job for the rest of their life. They have options. These options can provide your child with a bright future and many who pursue these paths often outpace those who went to college.

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10 Community Service Ideas

community service

Every college-bound teen knows that high school community service is a key component of any college application. Admissions officers look for well-rounded students who volunteer in high school.

But according to a study by, a group that connects kids with volunteer projects, students should heed this word of warning: conducts annual surveys on community service and college admissions. They have found that most admissions officers prefer students to be consistently involved with one issue over a variety of causes. Moreover, social change isn’t something you should do just to put on your application — follow your passion. Seventy-five percent of admissions officers stated that a school requiring community service does not “taint” their perception of the applicant’s commitment. If your experience was required, make sure that your level of involvement was clear, focusing on what you were most passionate about.

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