Category Archives: infographics

The STEM graduate shortage

This week the discussion in higher education has revolved around early college prep and the importance of math in early curriculum. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (also known as STEM) has been on the forefront for education and career fields. But America failing to produce strong numbers of STEM graduates. This infographic depicts the importance of STEM and statistics showing the STEM graduate shortage. What can we do to guide our students in that direction?


STEM Shortage
Created by: Online Engineering Degree

Drowning in Student Loan Debt

Here’s an infographic outlining the Obama Plan to help student’s with their student loan debt. But is it enough? In my opinion, the only way to look toward the future is to educate our kids about debt and make wise college choices that allow them to graduate with little or no debt. It’s not a “new deal”…just a band-aid.

New Student Loan Deal
Created by: Online University

In Honor of Veteran’s Day

Today is Veteran’s Day and all across America people will be celebrating this day and honoring our veterans past and present, stationed all over the world. Below is an infographic illustrating where our servicemen are currently stationed. Join me in thanking them and saying a prayer today for their continued safety.



If your college-bound student is interested in the military, here’s a post I wrote about the military academies and ROTC.


Myths about College Sports

Are sports scholarships really the best scholarships available? Do colleges spend as much money on sports athletes as they do on academics? Are college sports programs profitable? This inforgraphic answers just about every question you might have about college sports. I just have one question: If these statistics are accurate, why do colleges put so much emphasis on sports programs?

College Sports Myths
Created by Online Masters Degrees

Financial Aid Myths

Here’s a great infographic that applies to the recent student loan news. The only “myth” that I might question is #5-Student Loans aren’t worth it. While the statistics show that college graduates do earn enough more over their lifetime than high school graduates, you have to be savvy about the amount of money you borrow and your ability to repay it.

Financial Aid Myths
Created by: Online Graduate Programs

Using Facebook to “spy” on your kids

How about it parents? Do you use Facebook to “spy” on your kids? Or do you like to think of it as “helping them protect their personal brand”? Whatever the reason, you’re not in the minority. Check out this cool infographic and see where you fit in; and DON’T share this with your teen!

Parents on Facebook
Courtesy of: