Tag Archives: laptop viruses

Safeguarding your college laptop against viruses


college laptopIn general, a computer virus is a piece of malicious software that infects and causes damage, changes, or copies files on your computer or other software. Hackers create viruses for different purposes including stealing credit card information, intellectual property, login details used by site visitors, as well as spying on unsuspecting laptop users. According to a report published by Kaspersky Lab, the company’s antivirus software detected more than three billion attacks from infected files. If you use your laptop to surf the Internet, you run the risk of downloading malicious software unknowingly. Read on to learn how to safeguard your college laptop from malicious software.

The Email Threat

Email is one of the most widely used forms of Internet communication. However, cyber criminals have turned email into a tool for spreading computer viruses. The rule of thumb is to avoid opening unsolicited email attachments or links. Even if the email seems to come from a trusted source, be careful when opening it. For example, you might get an email that says you need to verify your bank account details by clicking open a given link.

It is advisable not to open that link straight from your email. Instead, open another browser tab and use it to visit your bank’s website. Most banks have teams of representatives ready to answer client queries via web chat, phone, or instant messaging. Find out if the information in the email is genuine.

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