Tag Archives: college costs

Paying for College

collegeweekliveToday is CollegeWeekLive’s FREE online event that will answer many of your questions about paying for college.  They have taken the time to gather all the experts and bring the information to you in the comfort of your own home. Sit down with a cup of coffee and watch, listen and chat while they give your their tips on financial aid, scholarships and financing.

Straight from College Week Live’s email:

Would you like to talk live with representatives of the US Dept of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid office about the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form and federal financial aid options? Want to speak with an expert from US News & World Report about tracking down cash for college? Would you like to find scholarships or get advice from college financial aid officers?

Get all this and more at CollegeWeekLive PAYING FOR COLLEGE on January 14th from 3:00 – 10:00 PM Eastern. Register for free and login this Thursday to speak live with this all-star cast of financial aid and scholarship experts!

3:00 PM Eastern How to Raise $15K for College Right Now
Kim Clark, Staff Writer, US News & World Report
3:30 PM Eastern How to Tap Into $11 Billion in Merit Scholarships
Chris Long, President and Chief Operating Officer, MeritAid.com
4:00 PM Eastern Elks National Foundation Scholarships
Kristen Scaletta, Programs Relationship Associate, Elks National Foundation
4:00 PM Eastern Money for the Student Athlete
Dion Wheeler, Author: “Sports Scholarship Insider’s Guide”
4:30 PM Eastern The Scholarships.com Program
Kevin Ladd, Vice President, Scholarships.com
5:00 PM Eastern Finding Money: A Guide To Financial Aid
Featuring Martha Savery, Director of External Relations, MEFA
7:00 PM Eastern Funding Your Education: Expert Tips to Navigate the Financial Aid Process
Adam Essex, Senior Project Manager, US Dept of Education, Office of
Federal Student Aid
9:00 PM Eastern Ask a Financial Aid Officer
Financial Aid Officers For Hawaii Pacific University and University of Alaska Fairbanks

Visit the Scholarships.com booth on the Financial Aid floor for more scholarship information and live chat!

Don’t forget about the CollegeWeekLive scholarships: Click here for more information!

  • $1,000 scholarship for the student of a parent who registers and attends CollegeWeekLive PAYING FOR COLLEGE
  • $3,000 scholarship for a student who registers and attends any 2010 CollegeWeekLive event prior to March 31, 2010

You don’t want to miss this FREE resource. Set your alarms, your watches, your smartphones and your Outlook calendars. See you in cyberspace!

Motivating an underachiever toward college


One of my Twitter friends sent me a direct message the other day asking me how to deal with an underachiever high school student. Honestly, it’s a question I asked myself years ago when my son was an average student and not making any attempt to focus on college goals. Part of his lack of interest, was my lack of participation as a parent. He was making average grades and never had to crack open a book. I was somewhat content to let him be and concentrate on other things. Once he made the decision to join the Marine Corps I realized he felt he had no options left but to enter the military. It taught me a valuable lesson: parents play a pivotal role in motivating our teens toward college. I did not make the same mistake with my daughter.

Here’s what I did differently the second time around:

  • I researched all financial options, including scholarship opportunities. My son always knew that paying for college would be difficult and I never let him know that we had committed to help him and would pursue all options available.
  • I helped my daughter stay organized and on top of the college process. We began early looking at colleges and applying for scholarships.
  • I had numerous discussions with her about the importance of a college education and the importance of attending a college that fit her aspirations and goals.
  • I let her be a part of the process but I didn’t leave her alone to figure it all out by herself.
  • When her grades started to drop, I had conversations with her teachers and got her set up for extra tutoring.
  • I taught her about consequences and she understood that ignoring her grades in high school would influence her acceptance into college.

Here are some other helpful tips that I have learned as a Parent College Coach:

  • The best motivator is other teens. If your teen is hanging out with other teens who are motivated and achieving, they are more likely to do the same.
  • Hook your teen up with a local college mentor. Here’s a resource that is available that might be of some help: BetterGrads
  • Get some advice on teen motivation from parenting experts: Your Parent Partner
  • Encourage your teen to sign up on College Week Live and talk to current college students in the chat rooms.
  • Here is a great article that gives some positive advice: Get Your Unmotivated Child on Track
  • Get inside your teen’s head and find out why they aren’t motivated. Are they afraid of college? Do they feel they won’t get accepted if they apply? Do they have a dream that is so big they need your encouragement?
  • Listen. Quizzing never helps. Just sit in their room and listen to them talk. Listen to them talk on the way to school, at dinner, during television shows, and when their friends are hanging out at your house.

My daughter always wanted to go to college. But as I think back, so did my son. As a child he dreamed of attending Harvard. He definitely had the brains and the ability to be accepted at that college, but I never encouraged him to follow that dream. I honestly didn’t think as a middle class family, we could afford to pay for it. I have since learned otherwise and that’s why I want to pass this information on to other parents who are struggling with motivating their sons and daughters to succeed in high school so they can succeed in college. The best teacher is ALWAYS experience!

Is the Ivy League price really worth it?

When my son was a young boy, he talked often about going to Harvard. Where he got that notion in his head, I will never know. It was so ingrained, that he wanted a Harvard sweatshirt. Funny thing…my daughter still has that sweatshirt today and has grown quite fond of it.

Did my son attend Harvard? No. He opted to join the Marines and attend college later on the GI Bill. Perhaps a wiser and more logical choice in the grand scheme of things. But…I’ve often wondered whether or not the cost of those Ivy League colleges is worth the education you receive.

A recent article from Unigo/WSJ on Campus explored that question in depth. It explored the current economic climate, the state of colleges and universities, and the overall thought process in making those college decisions. The article begins by stating:

Old dreams of adult children earning degrees from elite, door-opening colleges or “legacy” schools attended by relatives are falling away in some families, in favor of a new pragmatism. Other parents and students are doing a tougher cost-benefit analysis of the true value of a pricey undergraduate degree. As parents wrestle privately with such emotional issues, many say they wish they’d begun years earlier to assess their values and priorities, long before their children’s college-decision deadline was upon them.

That’s ALWAYS been my philosophy: START EARLY. Do your research and learn about the college’s financial aid footprint.  Do a benefit-cost analysis and weigh ALL of your options before you make that final decision.

The overall tone of the article is that parents and college-bound teens are opting for the more logical college choices that keep them close to home and ensure they graduate without debt.

But, I would have to add an additional comment: find that “perfect fit” college. It’s not about the rank, or the prestige, or even completely about the cost. It’s about finding a place where your teen feels at home and is valued. And discounting Harvard, or any Ivy League college because of the pricetag might not be the BEST advice. An admissions consultant offers this advice:

Depending on the financial aid package offered, the out-of-pocket cost of attending a private college can often be lower than that of a public university. In a simplistic example, a $25,000 bill at a state college would be reduced to $20,000 with $5,000 of financial aid, but a private liberal arts college with a sticker price of $50,000 would cost $15,000 if the financial aid package totaled $35,000, making it cheaper than the state college. Of course, financial aid is more complicated than this, but private colleges with strong endowments often offer generous merit and need-based scholarships. In the end, award offers must be weighed against each other carefully, taking into account whether the award is made up of loans (which must be paid back) or grants/scholarships (which do not get paid back). The bottom line? Research the possibility of financial aid before eliminating a college from your list just because it sounds too expensive.

In honor of Halloween: Weird and Wacky Scholarships

Although these scholarships have been deemed “weird and wacky”, any scholarship that garners you FREE money for college is anything but that. Did you know that you can type in “wacky scholarships” in Google and come up with some of these scholarship gems? Here are just a few of them.

Is your teen a leftie?

Juniata College located in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania offers two 1,000 scholarhips to left handed students each year. One of the qualifications is – yes – left handedness.

Does your teen know how to knit?

The National Make It Yourself with Wool (NMIYWW) organization awards 2 scholarships for knitting wool garments. Make a killer wool garment and submit it to this organization and they will judge it based garment style and design, contestant’s presentation, and creativity. Winners receive either a $2,000 or a $1,000 scholarship.

Is your teen a Trekkie?

The Kor Memorial Scholarship is awarded by the Klingon Language Institute to recognize and encourage scholarship in the field of language study. You don’t have to be fluent in Klingon, but creativity is preferred.


Starfleet Academy Scholarship. If you are a member of the “Starfleet Academy,” an organization modeled after the fictitious Star Trek academy you may qualify for awards such as the Gene Roddenberry Memorial Scholarship for Aspiring Writers or the DeForest Kelley/Dr. Leonard McCoy Medical Scholarship.

Is your teen enjoying “the air up there”?

The Kae Sumner Einfeldt Scholarship, sponsored by Tall Clubs International offers tall students a $1000.00 scholarship. To qualify, girls must be at least 5-foot-10, and guys must measure at least 6-foot-2.

Is your teen fascinated with ghosts?

The New York-based Parapsychology Foundation offers young ghost hunters and those with interest in the paranormal several scholarships.

Does your teen have expertise in duck calling?

The Chick and Sophie Major Memorial Duck Calling Contest awards a $1,500 scholarship to the winner of their duck calling contest. First runner-up gets $500, second runner-up gets $300, and third runner-up gets $200.

If these have peeked your interest, here’s a few other links offering many other possibilities. With the scholarship names, you can go to a scholarship search site like FastWeb and find out all the details.



Happy Halloween!

Following the Yellow Brick Road

yellowbrickroadI spent some time today surfing. Not at the beach (I never learned to surf after living on the Gulf for over 30 years). I was surfing around doing some “follow the yellow brick road” path. I like to call it that because one link, leads to another, leads to another and you find an Emerald City at the end! That’s the great thing about following links: you never know where they will take you and what adventures you will have along the way.
These are the jewels I found today. I couldn’t help but pass them along to all my parent readers (and fans!):

This is an amazing website for college planning. It’s interactive and tons of fun. It’s not your typical boring college information site. It’s a fun place to start the search for middle schoolers with schedules and tips all the way through high school. Whaz up dudes and dudettes…check this one out! (I know I’m not hip but I try)

Wow. This is NOT your avearage college tour site. This one has moxy and some genuine off the wall creativity. There are video tours that ROCK, a message board, cool 3D maps, games, career videos and ways to connect with other college students. Check this one out and get in the “mood for college”!
I had to plop one in just for the parents. This is the BEST, I said BEST, site for everything you want to know about financing that college education but were afraid to ask. Remember guys: DENIAL is NOT a river in Egypt. Knowledge is power. The more you know the more prepared you will be. So take a deep breath and jump in!
As my daughter would say…”cool beans”. This is a site where you can find and be found by colleges, scholarships and other college programs. A GREAT networking site and a place to connect and set up an online presence.

This site is Twitterific! Yes, I did say that. Keep up with college life on Twitter: students, colleges, faculty, clubs, and more. Stay on top of the latest college and student news via all the great Twitter links. And, there’s an option to “follow all” if you are so possessed. Whew…I’ll just follow…EVERYONE!

Frame My Future Scholarship Contest - Click here to go to framemyfuture.com and find out about $6,000 in scholarship awards!

No “yellow brick road” search would be complete without unearthing a scholarship. And this one is a great one. Here is how you enter to win…Submit a creation that shares with us what you want to achieve in your personal and professional life after college. Your entry can be a photograph, collage, poem, drawing, painting, graphic design piece, short typed explanation, or anything YOU can create in an image! Your entry should communicate: This is how I “Frame My Future.”

That ends my search for today. I think I can safely say I found the “Emerald City” because every one of those links can take your teen closer to their dream of a college education.

But right now, I’m OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD!

Parents Countdown to College Toolkit

toolkit-box1It’s official! I’m taking early bird orders for my Parents Countdown to College Toolkit. Save 30% off the final price if you order now. The toolkit will be available September 1st.

Click HERE to find out what is included and HERE to go directly to the order page.

What Can You Do? Scholarship Video Contest

filmakingIs your college-bound teen a budding videographer or filmaker? The Campaign for Disability Employment is sponsoring a video contest for a $1500 Scholarship. The contest asks applicants to make a video on best practices within the workplace that allow every employee the opportunity to contribute, specifically fellow co-workers with a disability.

This is a perfect opportunity for your creative teen to use that creativity and win a scholarship. Since there’s no age limit, anyone can create a video and upload it for submission.

The deadline is July 15, 2009, so don’t procrastinate and encourage your teen to get their creative juices flowing!

Click here for rules and entry information.

Scholarship Alert!

FastwebNo time to waste! Here’s a scholarship opportunity for 17-18 year olds. $500 will pay for any number of college expenses.

What: This contest asks you to answer one simple question in 250-350 words: “What’s the best way a student can manage their money in current economic times?” Judged by FastWeb’s own Financial Aid Guru, Mark Kantrowitz.

How Much: Two winners, $500 each.

Dates: Contest begins May 25, 2009 and ends June 22—no entries will be accepted after Monday June 22, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. central time.

Winners Announced: June 29 on FastWeb. Winning essays will be featured on the site!

Who’s eligible: If you’re 17 or 18 years old, have a 2.0 GPA and up, and are enrolled full time in a high school or an accredited college/university, you’re eligible. In fact, just to make it fair, we’ll select one winner from the 2.0-2.99 GPA range and the other from the 3.0 – 4.0 range. Regardless of your GPA, there’s no reason NOT to enter!

Who’s footing the bill: This contest is sponsored by FastWeb and Bank of America. How to Enter: Email your essay on the topic: “What’s the best way a student can manage their money in current economic times?” to EssayContest@FastWeb.com.

Do all college students follow the 4-year plan?


college students

A recent article in the Boston Globe brought this subject to mind.The author of the article brought to light that the path to college is not always completed in 4 years. Many students end up dropping out, transferring, postponing and even re-evaluating their career paths. The statistics are a bit staggering, but I’d have to say not that surprising. He pointed out that the 4-year college plan is NOT the norm.

There are times when college is NOT the right path for your child after graduation. I’ve had personal experience with this and have watched many kids crash and burn because they weren’t ready. Preparing your teen for college is important, but it’s also important to know when they are ready and to be prepared for the unexpected. That’s the hard part of parenting: recognizing the signs and helping them to make the right decision when the signs are there.

Here are two cases in point: both from personal experience.

Case 1

My brother entered college after graduating from high school because it was the thing to do. He thought he wanted to study geology. But once he entered he struggled. He didn’t possess the best study habits nor did he have the academic focus or the drive at the time to be successful. After a few semesters, he dropped out and went to work full time. During the next few years, he found his passion. He reentered college, graduated, attended seminary, graduated, and pursued his doctorate in theology. It wasn’t that college wasn’t for him. It was just that he wasn’t ready until he found his passion. Once he did, it was clear that he had the academic drive and commitment to graduate.

Case 2

My son graduated from high school and entered the military. It was clear that college was NOT for him and that the military was where he needed to be. After serving for 4 years, he went straight to college. He was not ready. He crashed and burned after just one semester and went to work at a full time job. After another year, he enrolled in a community college, retaking all the courses he had previously failed. He managed to receive a 4.0 and entered a 4 year university, graduating magna cum laude with a degree in Asian History. Once he was ready, his academic path was stellar.

You, better than anyone, know your teen. My daughter was ready and excelled, graduating in 4 years and attending graduate school and graduating in 18 months. While she and my son took different paths, they both graduated. It’s important not to discourage your child if their academic path has detours and they don’t follow the 4-year plan. Because according to statistics, it’s not the norm.

U.S. News & World Report-Best Colleges

This is not a commercial plug for this publication. It is however, an explanation of why I believe this is a MUST read for any college-bound teen. There are three options available for your use:

  • The print edition for $9.95
  • The online edition for $14.95
  • The combo package (print and online) for $19.95

If you don’t want to fork over the cost for either of these, you can browse their website and find a wealth of information.

It is my recommendation that you invest in at least the print version of this publication. If you’re in the process of choosing a college or even widdling down some choices, this publication will give you the needed information to make the right choice.

What does it provide?

  1. It is packed with articles about how to choose a college, how to prepare, how to get in, and how to pay for the education.
  2. It provides information about the best colleges concerning tuition, aid packages, student body, room and board cost, email addresses and website information.
  3. There is also explanation on how they determine their rankings based on several key measures of quality: academic reputation, retention, faculty resources, student selectivity, financial resources, graduation rate performance, and alumni giving rate.
  4. It is an invaluable tool for determining past financial aid packages and will help you gauge if applying to a top-tiered college will be affordable based on alumni giving.
  5. Schools vie for the prestige of being in this publication. If a school makes the list, you can be assured that the quality of the education you receive is worth every penny you spend.

And…Since this is such an invaluable tool for college-bound teens and their parents, here’s what I’m going to do:

To qualify for a giveaway of the U.S. News and World Report 2009 Best Colleges, simply sign up for my College Tips Email and post this on Twitter:

@suzanneshaffer is giving away a FREE U.S. News and World Report-Best Colleges 2009 http://tinyurl.com/kk6zg4

I will be choosing a random winner on June 15th. Spread the word to all your friends who have teens heading off to college !