Category Archives: life skills

How to Help Your Teen Live a Healthy Life

healthy life

Are you interested in helping your teen live a healthy life? More and more families are jumping on the non-toxic bandwagon. It’s more than just a passing fad; it’s about embracing a healthier, more planet-friendly way of living. Let’s take a closer look at these six easy-peasy steps to kickstart your journey to a cleaner life. And guess what? It’s honestly not as difficult as you may think.

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5 Ways to Help Your Student Transition to College

transition to college

College is a magical time in any youngster’s life. Despite the excitement, though, the prospect of leaving everything behind for the next 1-5 years can be quite daunting too. A smooth settling-in period can make a world of difference, thus enabling your son or daughter to enjoy the full college experience. As a parent, then, supporting them through the planning stage is vital as they transition to college.

You will probably need to let your child find their feet once they arrive at college. Still, there are several ways to support them before this time arrives. Here are five of the most effective ways to help them transition to college.

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Adding Protein to Your Student’s Meal Plan

meal plan

Leaving home for college means picking up all sorts of life skills. You’re going to have to learn to fend for yourself, picking up chores and routines to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle. This can vary from household chores to budgeting and more. But one area that you are going to have a big learning curve with is your diet.

Most of us are used to being in family settings where one person creates meals to cater to everyone’s needs. Now, you will be eating the campus meal plan or doing meal planning, prepping and cooking for yourself – most likely in single person portions. Managing a healthy and balanced diet requires focus on a number of areas, but for now, let’s focus on protein. Here’s everything you need to know about getting enough protein into your diet, as well as some tips and tricks on how to manage it!

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Life Skills to Teach Before College

life skills

It’s a new era for college kids. They are no longer just the traditional 18-22-year-olds who are fresh out of high school and venturing off to live on their own for the first time. Instead, college students today come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences that range well beyond the classroom.

This is why parents need to be even more intentional about what they teach their kids while they’re away at school. Here are four important life skills that every parent should make sure their college kid knows how to do!

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