10 Instagram Accounts For Scholarships


Looking for scholarships? There’s the usual scholarship search sites and scholarship books. You can find them at your student’s counselor’s office and locally. But what about social media–specifically Instagram? It’s a great place to find out about current and future scholarship opportunities.

Sometimes there are scholarships posted on these accounts that you might not easily find in a typical search. They post lesser known scholarships, often with fewer applicants. This increases your student’s chances of winning!

Here are 10 Instagram accounts you can follow to find scholarship opportunities for your student.

Scholarship Money for Students


Access Scholarships

Scholarship Corner

Scholarship America

Scholarship Owl

Scholarships 360

Scholarship Savvy

Scholarship Cash


Don’t forget about Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Don’t stop with Instagram. I’ve compiled a list of other social media pages that can help you find scholarships. If you aren’t using social media for your scholarship search, you could be missing some great scholarship opportunities.

One parent recently posted on a Facebook page that her student won a $1000 scholarship from one of the posts in the Facebook group.

When it comes to searching for scholarships, use every strategy out there to find those lesser known scholarships with fewer applicants. Small awards add up!

10 Facebook Scholarship Pages You Should Like

20 Twitter Scholarship Accounts to Follow

10 Scholarship Boards to Follow on Pinterest

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