How to make high school graduation special


If you have a high school senior, the offers of admission have finally started rolling in. March is almost over, April is just around the corner and before you know it you will be watching your college-bound teen walk across the stage at their high school graduation ceremony. Next step college–but first it’s time to celebrate and recognize their accomplishments.

Here are just a few suggestions to plan for the once-in-a-lifetime milestone and celebration. After all, you only graduate from high school once!

Brag (just a little)

This is the time when every parent can brag about their teenager. They have worked hard, applied to college, made the decision on which college to attend, and are on the road to independent adulthood. When they hear you bragging about them, they make act embarrassed on the outside, but they will smile on the inside that they have made you proud of them.

Plan a celebration

Make early preparations. Whether you have a family gathering, a party with their friends, or a small dinner with your immediate family, make it special. Take the time to pick out a unique present (perhaps some type of jewelry for your daughter, or a nice watch for you son). They will always treasure the gift and it will remind them of their accomplishment. Celebrating this time in their life with you creates a lasting memory and encourages them to continue pursuing goals.

Create your own congratulatory banner at
Create your own congratulatory banner at

Watch them beam with pride

Take out senior ads, order graduation banners from, and order graduation announcements to share with family and friends. Attend  banquets, recognition ceremonies and award presentations with them. When your teen sees how proud you are of their accomplishment they will move forward toward college with confidence and pride.


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