Tag Archives: safety

Keeping Your Student Safe at College

safe at college

Sending off your child to college is something to be so proud of. But this can also be something that’s anxiety-provoking.  You’ll be worrying about whether or not they’ll make friends, if they’ll have good grades, if they’re responsible enough to take care of themselves and if they’re going to stay safe. Safety tends to be the biggest concern for parents.

It’s completely understandable why. A lot of things happen on college campuses, but even outside of campuses. You’ll hear about lockdowns, muggings, alcohol poisoning, assaults, car accidents, and much much more happening on these college campuses if you look on the news. It’s scary, all of it is very scary. But the chances that your child is going to run into one of these events is quite slim. Here are some tips to ensure that your soon-to-be college freshmen are going to be safe at college.

Continue reading Keeping Your Student Safe at College

Wednesday’s Parent: Top 5 Posts about Safety


“If you were my child, I would staple you to your bedroom wall.”
Myra McEntire, Hourglass

Safety—are we ever truly safe? Every parent has probably voiced the above words or similar ones at some time or another. All we can do is give our kids the tools they need to avoid those situations that put them in danger. And then we have to let go and trust that it is enough.

safetyToday’s Wednesday’s Parent revisits the topic of safety with my top 5 posts about safety:

6 Campus Safety Apps

It’s sad that we live in a time when we don’t feel safe at school. Schools used to be the safest place for kids, protected by teachers and staff and away from predators. Not anymore.

Safety First

Teaching safety begins when your child begins to walk and touch things. “Watch out it’s hot!” “Be careful, you could hurt yourself.” “Look both ways before you cross the street.” When your kids go off to college you worry about their safety. Why? Because you won’t be there to protect them and see that they stay safe.

6 Campus Safety Talking Points

Parenting on good days can be frightening. You never know when some unexpected event will occur and rock your world. It’s impossible to prepare for every unexpected occurrence, but we can take the time to equip our children with the knowledge and the tools they need to keep themselves from falling into dangerous situations.

Are You Concerned About Campus Security

Even though the thought of your child attending college brings forth feelings of pride and anticipation, if they are going to be living on campus, it’s understandable why it may also evoke a certain amount of concern. We all have read the news stories of unfortunate crimes that have happened at various colleges and universities across the country prompting you to investigate the security and safety of your child’s prospective colleges.

School Shootings—What’s a Parent to Do?

Every parent of college-bound teens should ask this question during the campus visit (preferably not in the presence of your student): what systems do you have in place to protect my child in the event of an emergency such as the Virginia Tech shooting?

Read Wendy’s Post: Safety Revisited


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is on the fourth Wednesday of each month when Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We will feature an expert on a topic of interest for parents of the college-bound.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to pocsmom.com and vice versa.

Wednesday’s Parent: Safety First


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from www.pocsmom.com to www.parentingforcollege.com and vice versa.

This post is about how parents can convey the importance of academics to prepare their child for college:


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safetyTeaching safety begins when your child begins to walk and touch things. “Watch out it’s hot!” “Be careful, you could hurt yourself.” “Look both ways before you cross the street.” When your kids go off to college you worry about their safety. Why? Because you won’t be there to protect them and see that they stay safe.

Apart from an act of random violence or the actions of a psychotic shooter, parents can train their kids through the stages of life to make wise choices to assure their safety when they leave for college. It’s never too late, or too early to start.

Avoid contact with strangers

This danger has taken on a whole new level with the advent of social media. Most kids know that they shouldn’t talk to strangers in real life; but have you taught them to avoid stranger contact online? It’s easy online for predators to build a relationship with a child and get them to trust them. Then, the next step is to coerce them to meet in person. Before your kid leaves for college, make it perfectly clear that this type of behavior is dangerous. Explain the dangers and use real stories if you must—it may seem harsh at first but until they see this is possible, they may not believe you.

Use the buddy system

Grade school, middle school, high school, and college—train your kids to use the buddy system. Teach them to never walk anywhere alone, go to a party alone, go to a mall alone, or anywhere they could potentially be unsafe. Remember Natalie Holloway? She might still be alive if she hadn’t broken this rule. This is a tough lesson to swallow and many adults don’t practice this safety tip. But in this world, being alone in any situation can put you in a place where danger is imminent.

Pay attention to your surroundings

Teach your kids to notice anything out of the ordinary. We all get that “gut” feeling when things just don’t seem right. They will know when something is amiss. Is there a car that doesn’t belong? Do they see someone that shouldn’t be where they are, like an adult hanging around a playground alone watching kids? Are there guys hanging around that make your daughters feel threatened? This one skill in itself could ensure their safety.

Follow the rules

We all teach our kids to follow the rules. It’s a basic tenant of growing up. Stand in line. Take your turn. Share with others. Do what your teacher tells you to do. When you hear the fire alarms walk calmly out of the building and stay with your teacher. But this learned safety tactic can also help them even more when they go to college. Rules are put in place to protect them on and off campus. If they learn this lesson early on they will carry it with them to college where their safety might be compromised.

Don’t make decisions that compromise your safety

Texting and driving have become a hot topic lately. When your teenager takes the wheel you nag and nag about not texting while driving. This is a decision that could cost them their life. Decisions become even more critical in college; especially in regards to drinking and driving, underage drinking, hooking up with strangers and walking around alone late at night. Making the wrong decision could mean the difference between having a good time, ending up in jail, or worse—dead. Scary stuff for parents. It should be just as scary for your kids.

Get help if you need it

Adults often overlook this simple lesson. But so many times, if we had just asked for help, outcomes might have been different. Teach your kids to always be comfortable asking for help. It won’t only translate well into all areas of their lives, but it will help assure they know to ask for help if they feel threatened or in danger.

With all the dangers in the world today, parents are even more concerned about the safety of their kids. If you teach them when they are young, they will carry those lessons with them to college.

Read POCSMom’s advice about putting safety first.


Is student safety at the top of your list?

Lately, we’ve heard so many reports in the news about college students and the dangers on college campuses: shootings, kidnappings, hazing, abuse and violence. It’s hard to not worry when your child is hundreds or even thousands of miles away on campus. It’s easy for them to get into situations that endanger their lives. And it’s hard not to wish there was some way you could protect them.

Recently, I was introduced to a new product that was developed to put parents at ease: OnCall Defender™. It’s not a tracking device; your kids won’t feel their privacy is compromised. It’s a tool they can use to arm themselves when they feel threatened. According to its creator:

The OnCall Defender™ Panic Alarm is the only 24/7 advanced mobile protection GPS alarm system that is connected to a professionally staffed central monitoring station. This is a serious personal security system that is connected to local law enforcement dispatch through one of the top security monitoring companies in the business. So there is no more waiting for someone to answer your call, or put you on hold in an emergency. In a life or death situation, every second counts; and that’s where this revolutionary mobile protection app could save your life or that of a loved one. OnCall Defender™ was developed by high-level security and alarm technology experts who have long understood the need to bring the highest level of security down to a personal level at an affordable cost.

It’s as easy as downloading a FREE app for the iPhone and following the simple instructions. Your child can input personal information and a photo which is stored for law enforcement reference. If an emergency arises, and the alarm is activated, they will have all the contact and pertinent information readily available along with an exact location of your child.

Imagine if this had been available during the VA Tech shootings; or when that beautiful lacrosse player was brutally and fatally attacked by her ex-boyfriend. In spite of all our warnings, our kids think they are invincible–they walk at night alone, get into cars with people they don’t really know that well, and find themselves in situations where they feel threatened. Having this new tool will not only protect them, but it will give you peace of mind.

I actually downloaded the app myself. It was simple and easy to use. Once I completed the instructions, I was able to test and arm the alarm. It’s loud enough to scare away any attacker and easy enough that it doesn’t require any dialing or fumbling around to activate. The modest monthly fee is well worth the security and protection.

Check it out here: OnCall Defender–and let me know what you think. I always like to share new, helpful products with my parent readers.

Stay safe!