Tag Archives: parent loans

Understanding College Financial Aid

financial aid

Those two little words, “financial aid” can be music to a parent’s ears. I know they were to mine. But I had no idea the different types of aid available or the varying awards that colleges can make when they offer admission.

I was surprised to find that private colleges tend to be generous with their merit aid because they have institutional funds available; while public universities will offer less aid because of their strict budgets and large student populations. That’s why private colleges can often cost less than a public university even though their price tags are higher.

When my daughter applied to college we knew we were going to need help paying for it. Since we were not in the financial category that would receive federal grants, we hoped for other types of aid in the form of college grants and scholarships. Some of the colleges she applied to were private universities and some were public. When accepted, she received varying degrees of financial aid awards from the different colleges, both public and private.

One state university offered her aid in the form of student loans, but no grants or scholarships. Another private college offered her a full-ride in the form of a four year scholarship meeting 100 percent of the financial need. Her first choice college, a private university, offered her student loans, work study and parent loans, which did not meet the balance of our EFC (Expected Family Contribution). This is called “gapping” and colleges often do this to students who are accepted but do not qualify for merit aid. The college she chose offered a combination of awards: college grants, honor scholarships, student loans, and work study that met the difference between the cost of the college and our EFC. It wasn’t the full-ride or her first choice, but it was her second choice and was a perfect fit for her.

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