Tag Archives: mothers day

What’s a Mother Worth?


Mother – noun – a person who does the work of twenty. For free. (see also superhero, warrior, saint).

Sunday is Mother’s Day. No amount of pay can adequately communicate how much a mother is really worth. Her value is priceless. They say you can’t put a price on love, but can you put a price on what a mother is worth?

Salary.com thinks you can and their annual Mom Salary Wizard lets you calculate just how much all your mom work is worth based on real salary data.

From a survey of over 6,000 moms, they found that these super-human women perform a huge range of jobs all rolled into one: from CEO to Psychologist, a mom’s work is never done.

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Are You a Mother or a Smotherer?


If you are a mother of a college-bound teen, it’s easy to become a smotherer. After all, there are deadlines that need nagging. There are scholarships that must be applied to. There are battles to fight and recommendations to be secured. It’s impossible to expect your young teenager to handle these matters on their own. They need help. They have always needed help.

But, and I say this will all humility, it’s hard to let go and let them handle these things on their own.

Being a mother is one of the hardest jobs you will ever have. You want your teenager to become independent but you worry they never will. What if they fail? What if they forget to do something that’s important? What if they are hurt or rejected? It’s in our nature as mothers to fix things and help them avoid anything that would be painful. Some mothers have mastered this technique so well that their kids don’t have a clue how to deal with failure, disappointment, and pain.

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