Tag Archives: college interview

3 Tips for a Successful College Interview

college interview

It’s time for your senior to start planning college visits; and an important part of any college visit is the college interview. Here are some tips to help your student prepare:

Your palms are sweating. Your throat is dry. You are sitting in an admissions office waiting for your turn to be interviewed by someone from the college you are intent on attending. You’ve heard all the horror stories and you’ve prepared as best you could for the questions that will be asked. You know that this interview is an important part of the admissions process and it could contribute to the college’s final decision.

Here are three things you need to remember before you walk in to the admissions office:

1. Be Yourself

The admissions officer is not looking for the person you wish you could be or the person you think they want to see. They want to get to know you and get a feel for how you will fit in to their college population. Being yourself benefits you and the colleges by helping both of you get to know one another and find that perfect fit. You do yourself and the college a disservice by pretending to be someone other than who you are. It’s a bad way to begin your college career and a poor example to set in an interview.

2. Take some time to prepare

Don’t walk into a college interview unprepared. Research some of the common questions asked and think about how you would answer them. Know a little about the college and be prepared to tell the admissions officer why you are interested in attending their college. If you’re excited about attending, they will be excited about offering you admission. Every college wants students who want to be there and who know how they will fit in to their campus. If you show little motivation, they will show little interest.

3. Remember that you are also conducting an interview

Colleges are not the only ones conducting the interview. You are interviewing them to find out whether or not you would feel comfortable attending there. Prepare some questions in advance; but don’t ask questions that can be found on the website or in the admissions literature. Admissions officers welcome questions that communicate an interest in their college and a willingness to learn more about their specific academic programs. Don’t just sit there and answer “yes” and “no” to their questions without having a conversation. It’s your opportunity to get to know them as well as theirs to get to know you.

Need help with some possible questions to ask and answer? Read this blog post: College Interview Questions to Ask and Answer.

The college admissions interview communicates that you are interested in attending and gives the colleges an opportunity to get to know you by putting a face with a name. When decision time comes around, colleges will remember your interest and the interview could very well put your name above someone who didn’t take the time to schedule one.

6 College Interview Secrets


college interview

College interviews are stressful. But with a little preparation and some positive action, you should be able to ace the interview and place yourself on the college’s “accepted” list.

Do the Research on the College

Most college students go to a college interview without a solid understanding of the college and what it offers for students. Make sure to take time to surf the college web site, social channels, blogs, etc. in order to have efficient knowledge of the college.

Dress for the Interview

The question about what one should wear will have an affect on your first impression. In other words, if you do not get dressed for the college interview and take it seriously, you can’t expect them to take you seriously.

Find a way to stand out

Admissions officers interview multiple candidates every day. Find a way to stand out. Ask a thoughtful question. Engage in conversation. Exude confidence. All of these factors will help you create a positive impression.

Be yourself

This seems like an obvious piece of advice, but admissions officers want to get to know you. They don’t want to see a version of who you think you should be, but hey are looking for someone that will add to their freshman class. Be yourself and give that that someone. Your essay should be an extension of the interview as well. Seek help if necessary from WorldEssays.com, but don’t pretend to be someone you are not.

Ask Your Own Questions

A successful interview is not about just sitting in a room and giving prepared answers to the admissions officer’s questions. This is a great chance to learn more about the college and its environment. Prepare a list of thoughtful questions before your interview and find the right moment to ask them.

Follow Up 

Don’t forget to follow up after the interview. Ask for a business card and send a personal thank you note when you return home. This will keep you on the admissions officer’s radar.

Finally, interview at the colleges in which you are a “perfect fit”. These colleges will see you as an added value to their community and be more likely to offer you admission.

College Interview Questions to Ask and Answer


college interview questionsThe college interview is your student’s first exposure to what a job interview after graduation will be like. Most students are nervous, just as my daughter was on her first college interview. These questions, and others, will be going through their minds before and during the interview:

  • What questions will they ask?
  • How will I answer them?
  • Will I answer them correctly?
  • Will I make a good impression?
  • Will they like me?

The key to approaching a college interview, or any other job interview for that matter, is to prepare in advance. Don’t walk into the interview without a game plan for answering and asking college interview questions.

Here are two articles I wrote for TeenLife Media about the college interview:

Can You Answer These 10 College Interview Questions?

Here is a list of 10 interview questions colleges might ask and suggestions on how to respond. They may not be exactly as worded, but they will fall into one of four categories: questions about your fit with the college, questions about your personality, questions about interests and goals, and broader questions requiring a more thoughtful response.

Read the 10 questions and possible answers

5 Questions You Should Ask on a College Interview

The very last question a college interviewer will ask you is, “Do you have any questions?” The questions you ask them can be just as important and can also help you make your final college decision. In the end, it’s not just them choosing to admit you, it’s you choosing to accept their offer of admission.

Read the 5 question you should ask and how to prepare for them?


Wednesday’s Parent: Questions to ANSWER and ASK on a College Interview


college interviewLast year, I wrote two blog articles for TeenLife Magazine about the college interview. Since I feel they are great tips, I’m sharing them today on Wednesday’s Parent.

If you’re going to college, expect to be interviewed by a college representative. It’s a vital part of the college admissions process. Why? Colleges want to get to know you: Who you are, what your goals are, and how you will contribute to the student population. They also want to see how you answer questions, how informed you are, and your views on other topics.

When my daughter was in the midst of her college search, she was interviewed by a representative of Boston University. Since this was her first choice college, she was nervous. She wanted to make a good impression and appear intelligent and confident. She prepared for some interview questions. Not all of them were asked, but it helped her go into the interview more relaxed. Although she wasn’t a top candidate according to their applicant statistics, the interview resulted in an offer of admission.

Here is a list of 10 interview questions colleges might ask and suggestions on how to respond. Can your student answer these 10 college interview questions?

Click here for the original article.

Not only is it important to answer the interviewer’s questions, it’s also important to ask questions at the interview.It might seem like the college is interviewing you when you sit down for that appointment. But in truth, you are also interviewing them.

The answers to the questions they ask you are important. But the questions you ask them can be just as important and can also help you make your final college decision. In the end, it’s not just them choosing to admit you, it’s you choosing to accept their offer of admission.

Here are 5 questions you should ask, even if they don’t ask you, “Do you have any questions?”

Click here for the original article.

College interviews can be scary but they are a key element of expressing interest in a college. Don’t make the mistake of neglecting to schedule an interview. These tips should help your student prepare.

Read Wendy’s Post: Interviewing the College Interviewer


Wednesday’s child may be full of woe but Wednesday’s Parent can substitute action for anxiety. Each Wednesday Wendy and I will provide parent tips to get and keep your student on the college track. It’s never too late or too early to start!

The bonus is on the fourth Wednesday of each month when Wendy and I will host Twitter chat #CampusChat at 9pm ET/6pm PT. We will feature an expert on a topic of interest for parents of the college-bound.

Wednesday’s Parent will give twice the info and double the blog posts on critical parenting issues by clicking on the link at the end of the article from parentingforcollege to pocsmom.com and vice versa.

Mom-Approved Tips: Preparing for the College Interview


college interviewCollege visits in the fall mean scheduling college interviews. The college interview is important for the student to learn more about the college and for the college to learn more about the student.

When my daughter was in the midst of her college search, she was interviewed by a representative of Boston University. Since this was her first choice college, she was nervous. She wanted to make a good impression and appear intelligent and confident. She prepared for some interview questions. Not all of them were asked, but it helped her go into the interview more relaxed. Although she wasn’t a top candidate according to their applicant statistics, the interview resulted in an offer of admission.

You can ace the college interview with preparation–the key word here is “preparation”. Recently, I wrote two posts for TeenLife Magazine: Can You Answer These 10 College Interview Questions and 5 Questions You Should Ask on a College Interview. In them I pointed out that students need to remember that they are interviewing colleges just as much as the colleges are interviewing them. Knowing this will help ease the stress of the interview and help your student take charge of the process.

A key thing to remember is that the college decision is your decision. Colleges seem to have the power during the interview process, but the interview is also your opportunity to clarify your choices and learn more about the college. Approaching this interview with this in mind will help you relax and be more confident. Asking questions shows the colleges that you are strong, independent and will be making an informed decision.


Mom-Approved Tips: Preparing for the College Interview


college interviewNobody likes interviews, and the college interview is no exception. Inexperienced high schoolers are expected to enter a room with a college admissions officer and speck eloquently while answering their questions. Factor in the obvious nerves and the inability to know what they are going to ask and you have a very anxious teenager.

My daughter was no different. She had her heart set on a popular New England university and the interview would be the defining factor in their decision to admit her. She had the grades and the extracurriculars, but her SAT scores were average and below the university’s typical applicant. So she scheduled an interview and we traveled to San Antonio to meet with the admissions officer. As you can imagine, she was a bundle of nerves.

Long story short, she was offered admission. Even longer story, she turned them down and opted for a smaller New England college that offered better financial aid and better suited her interests. But the interview made the difference.

Entering any interview unprepared is unwise. Job applicants should learn about the company before the interview; and students should learn about the college and prepare some answers to commonly asked questions.

Can you answer these 10 interview questions?

Here is a list of 10 interview questions colleges might ask and suggestions on how to respond. They may not be exactly as worded, but they will fall into one of four categories: questions about your fit with the college, questions about your personality, questions about interests and goals, and broader questions requiring a more thoughtful response.

Click here to read the entire article on TeenLife.com’s blog

5 Questions you should ask on a college interview

The answers to the questions they ask you (Can You Answer These 10 College Interview Questions?) are important. But the questions you ask them can be just as important and can also help you make your final college decision. In the end, it’s not just them choosing to admit you, it’s you choosing to accept their offer of admission.

Click here to read the entire article on TeenLife.com’s blog

A key thing to remember is that the college decision is your decision. Colleges seem to have the power during the interview process, but the interview is also your opportunity to clarify your choices and learn more about the college. Approaching this interview with this in mind will help you relax and be more confident. Asking questions shows the colleges that you are strong, independent and will be making an informed decision.