Tag Archives: college courses

Preparing for a Future Career by Choosing the Right Courses in College

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Some students find that choosing a career can be a complicated process. If your student is about to graduate from high school and heading off to college, they should be armed with the best college courses to take to prepare for a future career. Let’s take a look at some of the options:

1. Biology 

Biology degree programs expose students to the plants, animals, people, and thus the ecosystems in which they thrive. For anyone with a general interest in science, a biology program offers many opportunities. This will help you get into more specific areas of study that you might not have considered before. Biology classes also tend to be very hands-on and attract people with natural problem-solving skills. 

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How to Choose the Right College Courses

college coursesIf you are thinking about choosing your next college courses, you will need to make sure that you are not making a mistake that will cost you time and money. While online education is generally cheaper and more flexible than campus-based programs, you will have to be diligent and check out the accreditation level and quality of the degree before you sign up and part with your money. Below you will find a few tips on how to find the right course for your career goals.

Read Online Reviews

If you are interested in a course, you might want to read online reviews. There are plenty of college students blogging about their experience with the teachers and the course material, you just have to find their publications. Alternatively, you can read feedback on popular review sites and social media pages to find out whether or not the course curriculum is for you.

Test Drive Courses

In case you are still undecided which course to sign up for, you can test drive university courses. You might sign up for a free trial online and check out the quality of support provided for clients and find out whether or not you will be able to cope. You can find out how much coursework you will get each term and how complicated the exams are before you commit to completing a course.

Check Out Industry Growth

In case you are looking for further education to improve your employability, you will need to do your research and find out the rate your chosen industry is predicted to grow in the next few years. If your future role is going to be replaced by artificial intelligence, you might be better off choosing another route now instead of trying to change your career further down the line.

Build On Your Current Skills

It might also be a good idea to save time and money, choosing a future course that gives you credit for your previous courses. This will allow you to complete the course faster and gain a qualification so you can start your career. You might have a hospitality business and want to get a masters in hotel management degree  so you can secure a management position and improve your chances of advancing your career.

Know Your Limitations

It is crucial that you consider the time and energy you have to complete your course. If you are working part or full time, you will need to improve your time management skills. You might now think that you can study during the night, but if you don’t get enough sleep, your work and your college assignments will suffer, not to mention your health and wellbeing.

Making an informed decision about your college course is important to get a good job and a secure career. Consider your existing qualifications, your free time, your other commitments, and the industry growth predictions, so you can avoid spending time and money on courses you will not benefit from.


Get the Most of College by Sampling College Courses


college courses

Going to a college is one the biggest decisions anyone can make in their lives, especially as a young person. College can open so many doors into careers that we couldn’t get otherwise, even if it takes time. If your teen is having trouble finding their way into the major program, but absolutely don’t want to miss out on the university experience, help them consider some of the options below as secure routes that will keep them interested.

Take a Physics Course

If a young person is academically minded and likes the thought of maths or statistics, considering a career in the sciences is probably the best route for them. STEM courses are extremely popular and always looking to take on new applicants, but looking a little further afield to topics on developing new technologies and studying the universe will always have something more to give. It’s also a slightly underdeveloped field in comparison, and you know you’ll be among the cleverest people in the room.

A lot of people are turned away from the sciences at a young age due to their difficulty and the concept of being challenged isn’t considered right for some, particularly affecting young woman. Learn about the natural world around you and how it works in the most in depth way possible? It’s a win win notion when it comes to a physics course as whilst it can be challenging, it’ll set you up for life.

Jobs that take physics degrees and expertise are some of those lucky ones that don’t get hit by the recession. The world is always going to need scientists and engineers to fix its problems, so you’re guaranteed a position that’ll keep on paying. Physics is also incredibly important in medical.

Take a Philosophy Course

Philosophy isn’t just for old fogies, outdated ideas, and cigar smokers. Philosophy contains some of the most interesting concepts known to man. The research opportunities alone are endless, and having a PhD in philosophy looks incredible on a resume. You’ll come across as a thinker and problem solver due to the general belief of philosophy alone: that you can take complex issues and solve them in simple ways.

Philosophy is a science into thinking, and if you’re the type of person to get lost in thought a lot, you might as well get paid to do it. You can also learn to spot common mistakes con men make in their sales, and have a better basis on telling when people are lying. It can also answer your religious questions and help you find faith or put the whole thing aside entirely.

Philosophy is also a gateway into politics. It allows you to better understand party stances and what a leftist or rightist leaning means. You can even prepare yourself against the common mind tricks used on the voting population by governments since time immemorial!  

Take a Law Course

Out of the other options on this list, taking a law course can come in the biggest of forms due to its sheer versatility. For those of you with a social conscience, it will be one of the best decisions you could make if you love the idea of justice and bringing it into people’s hands.

Additionally, if you’re interested in criminal law, and want to be able to take a practical field approach to it,  looking at posts such as What Is Required to Earn a Bachelor of Criminal Justice? can help you find the course you need. Similarly, they give you a comprehensive list of what you need to do to be considered for such a degree.

People who have a criminal justice degree, or even higher, can really reach for the stars with their education. It will help them better with learning real world skills, such as communication in both oral and written form, and how to keep healthy relationships. You’ll also learn temperance more than you would in any other course, so it’s a good suit for restless people with a thirst for knowledge!

Take A Latin Course

Learning Latin can be considered a bit of a wildcard, and it may seem like it won’t do you any good, but is always a talking point whether it’s a casual conversation or a job interview. Similarly, Latin may be thought of as a dead language by some, but learning it is very much possible. Furthermore, if you know how to read Latin, you have a surefire path to walk into the Ancient History and Classics world. A history degree is one of the most interesting and enriched study areas you can choose, and learning about ancient civilizations can teach you a lot about our own roots and society.

A lot of the most common languages in the world have their roots in Latin, so learning more about its functioning and where it came from is the next step in phonics and working on your own language. It cuts your work in half when trying to learn new languages as you’ll already know where to start with pronunciation and meaning. Plus it’s very intelligent to know how to read ancient inscriptions or tombstones when you find yourself abroad on research trips or indulgent holidays. Yes, those will still be possible with a Latin degree!

Latin also goes hand in hand with the sciences, as their terms come from Latin roots. Because of this it can be a gateway into medical degrees or further learning in medical school. By understanding the fundamentals you place yourself in the best position to succeeding in the health sector.

Sampling these courses can help you determine areas of interest and might lead you on a different career path than you had originally imagined.

The importance of academic advising

Last night, parents, college professionals and college students got together for a Twitter chat (#CampusChat) to discuss the importance of academic advising during the college years. I felt the consensus and topic of the chat was important, and something all parents should know BEFORE their teen jumps into the college advising confusion.

Following are some points to remember when choosing a college:

  • The academic plan is critical in assuring a 4-year graduation from college. Why is that important? The longer your child attends the greater the cost. And the longer your child attends they will be losing income because they won’t be able to enter the job market.
  • When visiting colleges, ask about their graduation rate and if they have a plan to improve it if their 4-year figures are low.
  • Study abroad programs, while appealing, may wreak havoc on the academic plan. If you attend a study abroad session, ask questions about the courses offered abroad and whether or not they will satisfy your degree requirements. Ask other students from the college who have studied abroad to get some input on how it affected their 4-year plan.
  • Testing out of courses by receiving AP credits  can shave a year off your 4-year degree plan. If the college is agreeable, check into summer community college courses at home, especially in your core subjects. These classes are always less expensive and even one can help save thousands at a 4-year college.
  • Do some research when choosing your college and check out the advising section on the college website.
  • If your child is not happy with the adviser that the college assigns, they can always switch. Advisers are an important part of the college process. They should be a part of your academic team.

Bottom line, do the research, map out a degree plan, and adjust as necessary. Attention must be paid each year to credits and graduation requirements. If something interrupts the degree plan (study abroad,  military service, illness), try taking winter break or summer sessions to stay on track.

If you’re interested in learning more about academic advising, you can check out this service BecomeAlum.com, guiding students to plan all their degree requirements.