Tag Archives: college bound

Teaching Your College-Bound Teen Essential Car Maintenance

car maintenance

Starting college is an exciting adventure for almost everyone. Yet, it can be difficult for parents to ensure they’ve adequately prepared their young adult children to navigate the worldindependently. 

Most parents know that college-bound teens will need to know how to do laundry, cook simple meals, and where to go if they need medical attention.

However, if your child is planning to take their car to college, it’s also necessary to teach them the basics of car maintenance. From changing a tire and checking fluids to basic safety techniques while doing the maintenance, these skills serve them throughout their lives. 

Whether your teen is taking the hand-me-down vehicle or you did your research and bought them a new or used car through Edmunds, it’s essential to know what you should cover and what your options are if you don’t feel equipped to teach these skills?

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