Tag Archives: back to school

Back to School mistakes you should avoid


back to schoolBack to school brings excitement and anticipation for most students. But this is a new year and a new environment with new challenges. This can lead to frustration and apathy after a few weeks of classes, homework and tests. The last thing your student needs is to start the year off in a slump. The first few weeks set the tone for the entire school year, which makes it important to avoid some common back to school  mistakes.

Procrastination is certainly at the top of the list: putting off homework, waiting until the last minute, and neglecting to stay on top of deadlines. Students who find themselves buried in homework sometimes throw up their hands in frustration and don’t do it. New schedules, new campuses, new classrooms and new teachers can raise your student’s frustration level.

Avoiding these back to school mistakes can start the year off on a positive note and help your student focus on what’s important: academics and the college prep process.

Hop on over to Zinch’s high school blog to see a comprehensive list of the biggest back to school mistakes you must avoid.

Back to School Resources for parents and students

My favorite lines from “You’ve Got Mail” are:

“Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”

Newly sharpened pencils always remind me of back to school days. And when fall comes around, I think about that movie (mostly wishing I were in New York in the fall!); but it also reminds of the promise and expectation of a new school year.

Armed with the right online tools, parents and students can face the new year with anticipation and promise. Having the right tools can mean the difference between organization and frustration. These tools would help students succeed as they enter college. Here are some excellent links that I shared with my newsletter subscribers today that I thought you might find helpful:

42 digital resources for students and parents


7 Great online resources for students


Coolest Free Online Resources for Students


9 Hot Web Tools for Students


Educational Quiz Games, Homework Help


How to find great apps


How to get free books online


25 Amazing web tools students can’t live without



Here’s hoping you and your student have a fabulous school year as you look toward college preparation and the future.


Back to School: Time to get Organized

back to schoolSchool has begun for most of the country and parents are getting back in the routine: morning breakfasts, packing lunches, dropping off at school, chauffeuring their kids for after-school activities, and attending teacher conferences and  PTA meetings in the evening.  Believe it or not, I miss those days. But what I don’t miss is all the chaos. And with teenagers, there is always chaos.

The only way to survive that chaos is to formulate an organization plan. Start by making a resolution to streamline the paperwork the minute it comes home: student guidelines, school manuals, meeting announcements, homework assignments, and any papers that require a parent signature.

There are several “landing” places that we all use: the kitchen table, our teen’s bedroom floor, our kids backpacks, and somewhere  in our car.  These all cause us much heartache later as we scramble around at 7:30 am for the required permission slip  as we are running out the door.

Resolve NOW to have a place for every school related piece of paper that makes its way into your home.

  1. Create a simple filing system using a crate, a box, or file cabinet with school related tabs and folders.
  2. Get yourself a large write on calendar for school activities.
  3. Set up a special “landing” place with a magnet board or bulletin board to keep the papers requiring parent signatures visible.
  4. Encourage your teen to participate in the process by emptying their backpack every afternoon of all important papers.

Before you know it they will be receiving notices of college fairs, booklets with SAT/ACT information, announcements from counselors about scholarship opportunities, and notices of college information nights at PTA meetings. Starting the process early when school begins will get you moving in a positive direction and prevent chaos in the mornings as you walk out the door.

And remember: Preparation Prevents Panic!

Back to School Party

momrnCome and join me tomorrow at 1p.m. central time for a Back to School Party with another mom, MomRN Tamara Walker. Tune in early at 12 p.m. for some other great back to school tips and giveaways.

MomRN will be giving away a Parents Countdown to College Toolkit ($147 value) to some lucky listener so you won’t want to miss this!

Meet you on the call or on the web! Just click the link below to join in.

MomRN’s Back to School Party