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Mom-Approved Tips: A mother speaks out about online learning


online learningAs an educator, I’ve always been a bit wary of online educational programs. Can anything truly replace the interactive learning experience that students get in a traditional classroom, sharing ideas with each other and with their teacher?

Then my son announced that he had enrolled in an online degree program to get his Masters of Library Science degree. I knew that he needed the degree to further his career as a librarian, but I was disappointed that he had decided to enroll in an online program instead of a “real” classroom.

Well, my son proved me wrong. As I watched him go through the accelerated MLS program and earn his degree, I learned that every prejudice I had about online degree programs was unfounded. Here’s what I learned:

Online programs are held to the same academic standards as traditional degree programs

When online programs first launched nearly two decades ago, they were derided for being “buy your degree” programs. Well, times have changed. For professional degree programs, online courses are no longer seen as second-best; they are often the most efficient and effective way to accelerate your education and receive a degree. Online RN to BSN programs, for example, are every bit as rigorous as brick-and-mortar programs, and the nurses they graduate are every bit as capable. Likewise, my son’s MLS program included the same academic high standards as any college course I’ve ever taught.

Students who are apprehensive regarding online degrees should consider the fact that countless schools have started adopting this fairly new method of teaching with excellent results. Once students discover that online programs are held to essentially the same standards as any other institution, they will begin to see the advantages. Students can work hard to achieve countless excellent degrees such as a Master of Arts in Communication, a Master of Business Administration, or even their M.S. in Engineering Management. All the student needs to do is make the first move and sign up.

Online programs encourage in-class participation

I was worried that my son wouldn’t get to take part in the natural banter that occurs in a traditional classroom, the type of back-and-forth conversation that results in so many “eureka” moments for young learners. Then I watched him contribute to his online program’s forums and chat programs. He wasn’t participating less during his online courses — in fact, just the opposite. Because of the unique nature of the online classroom, my son was actually able to participate more.

During a traditional class session, students are only able to contribute during small portions of the learning period — perhaps 15 minutes every hour depending on the course. During an online course, students carry on continuous conversations via computer which later spill into Facebook chats and Skype sessions. When I saw how much my son was learning from his peers, and how much he was sharing with them in return, I was amused that I ever thought that online programs would inhibit conversation.

Online programs include in-person lab components

“How can you become a librarian without doing hands-on work in a library?” I asked my son. Then he told me about his “lab courses,” which did in fact take place in a university campus library. Similarly, my friend who is getting her BSN had lab courses that took place in hospitals. Online courses do not eliminate the necessary in-person work; the courses simply allow students to complete several coursework components online.

Online programs help students get jobs

I’m a bit embarrassed to say that one of the reasons I was nervous about my son starting an online program was that I was afraid it would not help him get a job. Once again, my fears were unfounded. Online degrees do in fact lead to employment, and having an online degree on the resume does not devalue a candidate. As always, the type of degree you choose helps determine your job opportunities. The US News and World Report recently released a list of top online degrees that lead to good jobs; my BSN friend will be very pleased, as nursing is high on the list.

Online learning is here to stay, and I’m grateful it has done so much to help students further their education. Watching my son earn his degree, I learned a lot about how online courses work, and was pleased to learn that they did an excellent job of preparing him for his current job as a librarian.


About The Author: This is a guest post by Kyle Johnson. Kyle has been blogging online since her kids were under 10 years old! Kyle likes writing about parenting, family experiences, and education. She has used her hands on experience to provide insight to the life of a parent and a teacher!

The organizational skills your student will need in college


organizationRaising a child is a job full of never ending challenges, and requirements. Beyond discipline and love, a parent needs to offer their children opportunities to prepare for college. The child that is reared with the future in mind is better able to function as an organized adult. Preparing a child to obtain a college education should be a goal of all parents.

In order for a child to be prepared for continuing their education and function as adults, they must have organizational skill sets taught to them. Of all the skills a child will need to attend college, organizational skills rate as being among the most important. An adult child can be smarter than all of the other students in his or her class, but if they are unorganized, they will have difficulties beyond measure.

Stepping Into More Responsibilities Being Better Prepared

When attending college students must follow their educational facilities rules and regulations verbatim. This means they can’t make excuses for not completing homework, showing up late, missing class, or being unorganized. They must be organized and they must function at an adult level, which is fair, after all college aged kids are most often young adults.

Though many movies portray college as one big party, for most students it is not. Attending college means accepting responsibilities unlike any they have ever had to face. Many students must get full or part time jobs, others must keep their grades above the soaring level in order to qualify for scholarships and grants. Being taught to be organized at a young age obviously better prepares students for the real world.

How to Teach Kids to Be Organized

As many parents already know, children tend to mimic their parents habits and behaviors. Trying to teach a child to be organized if living in an unorganized lifestyle is next to impossible. The first step in teaching children to be organized at a young age is to be organized as parents. Taking control over a messy home, paying bills on time, and keeping the junk drawer from overflowing are all positive influences a child will notice.

Parents that are organized can better teach their children to be organized. Parents having a messy desk and those who are always late for appointments and deadlines can teach a child to become disorganized themselves. It is obvious that maintaining a normal everyday life in an organized manner can speak volumes to a child. Purchasing organizational tools such as folders, calendars, dry erase boards, cork boards, and other organizational tools for children can be a big help in teaching them to get and stay organized.

It’s the Little Things That Teach The Most

By helping kids become organized and rewarding them for doing so goes a long ways towards preparing them for a college education. The child who completes homework on time and keeps their school related materials and bedrooms neat and tidy tend to fare better in college. This of course may require a small investment in the tools they need, and the time it takes to teach them, but it will pay off.

A college student will be responsible for keeping track of several courses, and all of the work required of them. They will likely have to juggle a job in between studying and doing homework. In addition they will also have to organize their schedules, keep their dorm room or apartment clean along with paying their own bills on time and shopping for food and clothes. The organized college student will be able to tackle the overwhelming new challenges they will face while getting a college education.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he explains how to prepare a student for college and aims to encourage further study with a project management masters degree.



How social media can impact youth in the future


social mediaSocial media is a virtual community or network where people communicate, create and share ideas and information, and interact in many other ways. As the popularity and use of social media grows, the world has witnessed its impact not only on social life, but also in business. Increasingly, internet users are spending more time on social media sites than on other websites.

The development of many types of mobile devices with browsing capabilities has further contributed to the overall time spent on social media. Social media has massive advantages, such as:

  1. It allows interaction between people who would never have interacted or encountered each other.
  2. It gives people the opportunity to give opinions and receive opinions from a wide array of sources.
  3. Social media has made event organization easier; since all one needs to do is post the details of the event and all friends will see.
  4. Businesses are employing social media marketing to boost sales and maximize profits.
  5. People use social media to network and find jobs.
  6. Social media is useful in shaping people’s opinion.
  7. Social media is fun.

Although social media has many benefits, there are certain disadvantages associated with it. Research has shown that in addition to providing privacy issues and affecting personal relationships, it can have a negative impact on higher education enrollment success as well as future job prospectus.

Impact of Social Media on Job Prospectus

It is very important for high school and college students to be aware that the information they share on social media may negatively affect their future. A survey of American young adults revealed that 29% of them believe that a comment, certain personal information and photo they have posted may compromise their current and future career prospectus.

Today, a very large percentage of employers are using social media as an integral part of screening all prospective employees. According to research findings, about 13% of employers turned down candidates who lied about their experience and qualifications, 11% rejected candidates based on inappropriate comments, photos or negative comments about a previous employer, while about 10% rejected candidates who posted content or photos of them using drugs.

According to the Huffington Post, an MP turned down an application from a student, based on a foul mouthed tweet the student had posted. The digital footprint one leaves behind can tell a lot about a person, so everyone, and in particular students, should take care of what they put out there.

Impact of Social Media on University and College Enrollment

High school students should realize that it is an offense to engage in any behavior or activity, including social media activity, which brings the university into shame or disgrace. College and university admissions professionals may use an applicant’s social media content in order to gauge the applicant’s social authority, personality and ability to influence others negatively.

Social media has reached near saturation levels, and students are sharing nearly all aspects of their lives. High school students are using social media to interact, seek information about colleges, and communicate with the outside world. This reliance on social media has a direct impact on admission, with websites such as Facebook, Campus Buddy, and College Prowler being increasingly used.

It is therefore important for high school and college students to learn about the basic social media privacy settings and to protect themselves from negative perceptions. Before posting any photograph, making a negative comment or posting any other negative content, students should realize that anything on the public domain could have an impact on their future. Students should take precaution by deleting any past negative posts, photos or comments. Another solution would be to close their existing accounts and to open new ones.


Author Bio

Joshua Turner is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to business. In this article, he describes the importance of online awareness and aims to encourage further study with a masters in organizational development.


The benefits of participating in a high school debate team


high school debate teamThe education you have during high school can benefit you in college.  This is especially true if you plan to pursue a law degree.  There are reasons to make a high school debate team a part of your education.

A Debate Team Will Help You Learn Communication Skills

When you work in the legal field, you need to know how to communicate effectively.  The best way to prepare for success is to learn these skills in high school.  There is no better way to learn effective communication skills than by participating on a debate team.

Debate requires you to think clearly and carefully before you speak.  You will learn to formulate your thoughts, and know in advance what you want to say.  You will learn to be logical and rational.  These skills will help you communicate in an effective manner.

Your Education Can Help You Learn To Focus On Facts

When debate is part of your education, you will learn to separate emotions and opinions from facts.  You will be able to approach each topic you debate from a logical perspective.  These skills will be useful in the classroom, and in your future career.

Debate Will Help You Gain Confidence In Yourself

Confidence is an important part of your education.  Not only is confidence essential to a successful career, it can also make your life better when you are in college.

A person who has confidence in himself is more likely to resist negative peer pressure.  If your fellow students drink, use drugs, or engage in other harmful activities, the self-confidence you develop from participating in the debate team can make it easier for you to make the right choices.  You will know you do not have to follow the crowd, or engage in behaviors that are not in your best interest.

When debate is included in your education, it can also help your social life.  As socializing is an important part of the college experience, self-confidence can help you make friends.  When you are self-assured, you will be the kind of person other students will like.

You Can Become Goal-Oriented From Your Debate Team Experiences

Even if you are still in high school, gaining the most from your education requires you to be goal-oriented.  When you practice for a debate, you will have goals in mind.  When you know what you want to accomplish, it is the first step toward accomplishing the goal.  This is a habit you can carry with you into college, and into your future.

Debate Makes Education Fun

While debate is serious, it is something you will enjoy.  From learning about new topics to interacting with other students, it will be an enjoyable part of your overall education.

However, you will also find an activity can be fun and serious at the same time.  While you will take many classes and participate in other activities in high school, the debate team is one in which you will have a good time.

Your education is your foundation for the future.  Nearly every decision you make today will affect your future in some way.  When you are planning the courses you will take, and the extra-curricular activities you want to participate in, make sure the debate team is on your list.

The debate team can provide a head-start to a successful career.  It can benefit you throughout your college years, and when you enter the workforce.  Equally important, it is something you will thoroughly enjoy.  It can provide many benefits and opportunities that you cannot afford to miss.  The debate team should definitely be part of your high school plans.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he describes the benefits of being involved with a debate team and aims to encourage further study with a Champlain College Masters in Criminal Law.

How to prepare for college level language courses


language coursesLearning foreign languages is an exciting challenge that opens up a world of possibilities. Students who wish to explore other countries during summer vacations should definitely try to learn a language or two to get the most out of the experience. Fresh graduates will find it quite helpful to be multi-lingual, especially during their job hunting. Lots of positions nowadays require proficiency in a second language.

Spanish is spoken by millions of people in the US, South America, Europe, and the rest of the world. It’s a great choice for college students who are looking to expand their education. It is extremely useful yet not as difficult as others such as Greek or Japanese. Here are some ideas on how to prepare for college level language classes:

Check Out the Books at the Library

The school library should have plenty of books and other resources that can help in the study of languages. The most important one is the professor’s preferred textbook for class as it will contain the specific examples that will be discussed. It is essential to have a copy of it when getting ready for recitations. However, students should not limit themselves to this alone. Look for other reading materials that use different techniques in teaching Spanish. They might clarify concepts that are unclear in other sources. Hunt for English-to-Spanish dictionaries, light Spanish novels, and the like.

Bookmark Online Resources

The Internet is rich filled with educational materials. Anyone can find them after a few minutes with a capable search engine. Bookmark these resources so that they can be retrieved quickly when needed. Students who are planning to get foreign language credits can read these in advance. Doing so will allow them to breeze through the lessons in class and impress their peers. Many of these are free such as Wikiversity’s language courses, Qué Onda Spanish’s fun word games, and Spanish-Resource’s innovative learning platform. Online translators will be useful as well.

Install Helpful Mobile Applications

Nearly everyone is glued to a phone all day so why not install a Spanish app to make it a learning tool? Mobile developers have come up with a variety of applications that aid language learners with their studies. These include dictionaries, phrasebooks, basic lessons, vocabulary builders, translators and games. Some of these can be set to notify the user that it’s time for a certain lesson. This is effective in cultivating consistency, which has been found to be the key in boosting retention. More established software brands are also available for desktop and laptop computers.

Listen to Audio Recordings

Audio tapes have been a staple of language learning for a long while. These allow learners to get a good grasp of the sounds so that a foreign language soon comes across as quite natural to the ear. The companies behind these tapes can approach the lessons quite differently. Some focus on providing instructions in a very organized manner. Others make their tapes more conversational and spontaneous. The rest offer a mixture of these schools of thought. The best approach is a matter of personal preference. The only way to know is to try and fortunately most have samples on their official websites.

Watch Foreign Language Films

Make learning more enjoyable by watching foreign language films at every opportunity. There should be plenty of Spanish movies for rent on DVD and online streaming services. Try to find copies that have the original audio with subtitles. This can be distracting at first but stick with it and the patience will be rewarded. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about language and culture — two things that are truly inseparable.


Author Bio

Fred Johnson is a writer and blogger who focuses on the areas of education and language. This article helps students prepare for university language classes and promotes language comprehension tools such as those at


Campus safety tips for new students on campus


campus safetyCollege students have enough to think about as they set off on the road to higher education. However, in addition to classes and socializing, students have to think about all aspects of their safety. This includes physical safety as well as other forms of security. College students can take a few proactive steps to help reduce the chances that they will fall victim to a crime by following these campus safety tips.

Learn About Campus Security

One of the first things college students need to do is find out about what types of services campus security offers. For instance, some security services may include escort services during the evening while some campuses even provide safe ride services. Of course, knowing when campus security patrols the area can also help when making plans to leave and enter various areas of campus that appear less safe than others. This can also help with getting access to buildings after hours for those who work with student functions.

Many campuses will also include other services such as sending student alerts to crimes in the area. Many may send alerts to email addresses, but some allow students to receive text messages for more immediate alerts. It is also a good idea to find out if campus security has a social media presence on sites such as Twitter or Facebook as well as a mobile app that can keep students updated on campus issues.

Learn the Campus

Learning about campus security also means learning about the campus itself. Most larger campuses take many steps to ensure the safety of students. For instance, many include lighted pathways for students. It is also a good idea to learn layouts within buildings to check for emergency exits in case of fire and other emergencies that can occur at unexpected moments.

Protect the Digital Footprint

These days, it is also very important for students to protect themselves online. Many people use online platforms such as social media to harass and stalk others because they believe they are anonymous. Unfortunately, many times the authorities will not act on such instances until they have reached advanced stages, so students need to be careful about how much and what kind of information they share about themselves online.

Students also need to protect themselves in other ways when it comes to using their online technology. Information can be stolen from laptops, smartphones and other mobile devices, so students should lock them and secure them in other ways so that unauthorized persons cannot steal their personal information. This also means protecting passwords by changing them every once in a while and making sure they are not obvious passwords such as the names of pets, family members or friends.

Be Proactive

Of course, students can also take a few proactive steps to help prevent them from falling victim to a crime. Students should plan accordingly when they know they will be on campus late so that they can make arrangements and have someone walk with them back to dorms or apartments. They should also make sure cell phones or smartphones are charged and have emergency numbers programmed into them in case of an emergency.

While it is important to focus on the educational aspects of the college experience, it is also very important to make sure college students keep themselves safe during their tenure. Students need to know how to navigate their way around campus. They also need to know what types of help they can expect from campus security resources. These days, students also need to know how to protect themselves online to prevent a number of cyber crimes including harassment and identity theft.


Author Bio

Sarah Daren is a writer who creates informative articles relating to the field of health. In this article, she offers safety tips to new university students and aims to encourage further study with an Emergency Management Masters Degree.

Spotlight on College Pro–Training tomorrow’s leaders

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Leadership is not easy to teach; in fact some will say it can’t truly be taught at all. College Pro not only believes in the power of leadership, but that it can be learned in the process of training for, and then running, a business. “We subscribe to the idea of ‘learning by doing’ in a very real way,” explains Tony Valle, CEO of College Pro. “Our program is not theory, it’s reality. It’s based on coaching and teaching the skills required to not just run a business, but to grow a successful one. And that includes key skills like leadership and teamwork. Leadership helps the individual and motivates the team to be its best, so it’s a win-win for the business as a whole as well.”

Entrepreneurs are sometimes thought of as go-it-alone people who reluctantly engage teams for their business only when absolutely necessary. That model is changing significantly, though, as more and more entrepreneurs recognize that teamwork – and the ability to lead a team – are essential to driving a successful business. A strong, collaborative team brings complementary skills to the table, enabling ideas and solutions to emerge that can help the company, often in unanticipated ways. Leadership ability is also among the attributes today’s employers seek when looking to hire new graduates; all the more reason to develop and hone these skills.

The College Pro program content echoes that of most business school curricula. In addition to leadership training, the program covers sales and marketing, employee management, financial planning and management, and more. In what has sometimes been called a “real world MBA”, these skills are then applied to running a College Pro franchise offering painting or window cleaning services.

Match your classroom education with real-world practical application by taking advantage of valuable work and internship opportunities. Programs like these are a great way to enhance your skill and experience level without having to comprise your academic or recreational activities.

“Whether you’re striking out on your own or joining an established company, leadership is among the most valuable skills to have,” Valle added. “The people who go through our program have the opportunity for tremendous professional and personal growth that will benefit them now and far into the future.”



About College Pro:  College Pro has helped thousands of young entrepreneurs realize their dream of becoming small business owners over the years, and we have also been a very strong presence in the communities in which we serve, coming together to donate our time and do something good for communities across North America through a variety of local and national initiatives.  Since 2004 alone, our Alternative Spring Break events have taken place in Oklahoma City, Denver, Spokane, Tampa, New Orleans, Nashville, Bend, Pueblo, Louisville, Philadelphia and Kansas City, providing over $1,000,000 in services, equipment and materials.  We strongly believe in partnering with community organizations that strive to improve the communities in which they serve.

Should your student work in college?


working in collegeCollege is a busy enough time in the life of a student without undertaking a part time job, but he might not have a choice. Students and parents regularly complain about increases in the cost of a post-secondary education. After a four-year degree program, it might seem that now will be the time to earn money and pay off of a student loan, but is it? Perhaps those four years were just the beginning, and it will be a few more years before college studies give way to a lucrative career. Should your student work in college?

Paying for College Studies

Many students will have to cover part of the costs of schooling themselves, whether they think this is a good idea or not. Their loans are not sufficient, or they did not qualify for loans. Other available funding was so limited they had to look for money elsewhere.

Methods of paying for college besides working and studying at the same time include using an education savings fund, obtaining a private loan, or earning scholarships. Many teenagers take a year off when they graduate from high school to earn money working full-time. Almost all students are expected to find work during the holidays.

Usually a combination of all these things will be needed, plus some donations from family and friends. If mom and dad can afford to send a child to college, that saves a lot of worry, except they might have different plans for their teenagers.

Balancing College Studies with Work

Some people would say that working and studying is the old-fashioned way. Their fathers did the very same thing, and it did them no harm. This all depends on what their fathers studied, how many hours per day, and for how many months or years. Many professions which did not require that one hold a degree decades ago are now populated by individuals with Bachelors Degrees in science, art, or specific disciplines. Even teachers could be hired without degrees in education, and engineers apprenticed at industrial companies instead of going to university.

In some professions, it is possible to study for a certain number of hours and also get paid employment as part of that education. This is especially true in the trades like electrical and plumbing work.

Ultimately, though, if you work and go to school as well, something has to give. It might be nutrition, health, social life, housework, or hygiene. Alternatively, your grades will suffer or you will be only an average employee unless you choose the right job and only work a few hours weekly.

Helping College Students Manage Work and Studies Successfully

Parents often say they will provide room, meals, and cleaning for their children if they go to college after high school. Rent will not be expected so long as they keep their grades up. They might or might not be expected to wait tables or sell shoes at the mall.

What about students who want to study away from home or who have no home to turn to? In this case, studying online might be a better option than attending college full-time. This frees a student up to obtain work during conventional hours, giving her more choice of work including satisfying jobs which pay relatively well.

In the event that a teenager chooses to study away from home and family, the best way to manage studies plus work is to be a good manager of time and to have a plan. Select cheap but safe accommodation near college. Also look for work close to both of these locations. This will limit travel time and allow for a cheap lunch from the communal kitchen daily instead of starving or buying expensive, unhealthy fast-food.


Author Bio

Joshua Turner is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to business. In this article, he explains the work involved with both college and a part time job and aims to encourage further study through Marylhurst University Online Programs.

Social media careers


social media careersThe world of marketing has evolved with the rise of social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.  Many companies today are seeking their customers’ attention with pictures, articles, videos, tweets and anything else that will drive comments and make a following. And you know what this means, don’t you? They are looking for someone who has the knowledge and ability to create online buzz and jump into the world of social media careers.

An increasing number of job seekers are turning their blogging skills or experience making Facebook fan pages into new careers in social media. Having a background in journalism, copywriting, computer technology or online marketing is usually a plus in landing Web 2.0 jobs. Pay rates are now all over the place in these emerging careers, but big payment is already to be found, with full-time jobs that range from $40,000 to six figures.

Some social media experts said that the rule of thumb is that you get paid in social media for what you have done or invested in the past. A fresh college graduate can make 25 grand as social media marketer, but if you already have a job related to marketing that pays you a minimum of 85 grand per year, your employer might move your tasks over to social media marketing and keep that amount.  A lot of ad agencies today that offer social media help to big companies are hiring. But, the majority of the jobs in social media are still freelance rather than full-time. Hourly rates for a freelancer can be high–about 200 bucks per hour or more.  The lowest pay rate anybody is charged for work related to social media marketing is about 50 bucks an hour.

Let’s take a look at some of the emerging careers in social media and the skills required.

Social Media/Digital Strategist

Strategists develop and maintain comprehensive social media strategies that define how social media marketing techniques will be applied to boost visibility and traffic across all products and brands. They also lead the development of the company’s social media management policies, standards and rule of engagement for social media. Social media strategists also define key performance indicators and implement enterprise level analytics, measurement and reporting methods to measure success. This job requires a BA/BS degree from an accredited university or college and 3-5 years of experience in public relations, marketing, communications and advertising.

Online Community Manager

Community managers manage and update company forums and blogs and forums, keeping visitors coming to the site through creating a buzz on social network, and moderating conversation to ensure nothing insulting or libelous is being said. This job calls for marketing experience as well as work in social media and project management, copywriting, and web publishing.


Posting short articles/blogs with links to related websites has become a popular strategy for boosting a website’s ranking in search engines. Pay rates for professional or experienced bloggers working in companies range from $35 to $75 per hour. Many bloggers have experience in journalism, but others who break into the field have their own personal blogs and use them to apply for corporate blogging jobs.

Search Engine Marketing Manager/Specialist

Responsible for determining search engine marketing business opportunities based on industry date/trends, competitive research and key performance metrics of current marketing campaigns. Other responsibilities may include creating search engine volume and efficiency forecasts, running tests (landing pages, ad copy, keyword bids) to boost key metrics (convert, search, click), making recommendations on keyword choices, and managing relationship with SEM partners. The right candidate will have at least seven years of marketing experience, applied analytics sensibility with strong ability to make profitable decisions based on factual information and entrepreneurial spirit.


Author Bio

Joshua Turner is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to business. In this article, he describes career opportunities surrounding social media and aims to encourage further study with a KSU Public Relations Degree.

Avoid raking up fines in college


finesThe skyrocketing cost of higher education leaves little room for financial blunders. Every dollar counts when trying to get through college with all the tuition fees, bills, and personal expenses that need to be funded. Students have to be smart about how they handle money so that they don’t go into debt. They also have to be mindful about the little things like payment deadlines and everyday habits. There should be a conscious effort to reduce expenses and avoid fines whenever possible to minimize stress. It isn’t very hard to avoid raking up fines in college, but it does require a fair amount of discipline and organization. The following examples illustrate this point.

Late Rent Payments

Most college students move to another town or another state to get their tertiary education. This often means living in a dormitory or an apartment complex for a number of years. For the first time, they have to pay rent to keep a roof over their heads. Studying the rental contract is a must to learn the house rules such as curfews, pet policies, security arrangements, and so on. The contract will also contain the specifics about payment deadlines and the fines that might result if the rent is not settled beyond a certain point. This should be taken seriously as penalties can be substantial.

DUI Arrests

With most people living away from home, students form strong bonds with friends and classmates in their university. Nowhere can these bonds and their newfound freedom be seen more clearly than in the myriad parties being thrown every week. These tend to overflow with drinks and last well into the morning. The police apprehend countless young drunk drivers annually. Those arrested face hefty fines, community service, and jail time depending on the laws of the state. These can be a crippling blow to financially-challenged students. While shunning parties is unnecessary, some prudence will go a long way in ensuring that things stay fun and positive.

Car Insurance

Somewhat related to DUI arrests is the issue of car insurance. Students who wish to drive must get the appropriate license as well as insurance as mandated by law. The premium rate is different for everyone. Providers will look into a person’s details and driving history to determine a suitable amount. Young people, due to their relative inexperience, are seen as high risk clients. They may be forced to pay much more than the average adult motorist. Having a dismal driving record that shows arrests for DUI and traffic violations will only cause this to spike further. Being a responsible driver, on the other hand, will cause the premium to go down gradually. Additional rate cuts can be availed by getting good grades.

Credit Card Fines

Credit cards make it convenient to purchase merchandise in stores and on the Internet. However, they do have their own drawbacks. Cards make it easy to overspend to unhealthy levels as all it takes is a simple swipe. People don’t see their money getting depleted right away and they get to spend forward even if they don’t have the funds. This can be dangerous for students who have yet to master the art of personal finance. It is important to learn how to budget resources and to be mindful of cash flow. When the credit card payment deadline comes up, there has to be enough funds for it or else the fines will pile up. Settle them as early as possible.

Parking Tickets

Another source of fines is parking tickets. In some cities, the fines can be quite steep. Students can avoid this hassle by being informed motorists. They need to become familiar with the enforcement rules that are in place where they are living. They should also ask around to find out the safe places to park at and tips that are pertinent to the local scene. If they still get served with a parking ticket despite following the rules, then they can try to appeal their case to the proper authorities.


Author Bio

Ryan Ayers is a writer who creates informative articles in relation to education. In this article, he offers legal advice to college students and promotes the work of lawyers such as those involved with the California Innocence Project.