Category Archives: Alternatives to College

Motivating an Unmotivated Student Toward the Future

unmotivated student

My son was an unmotivated student. He skated through high school with average grades and didn’t begin to think about college until the spring of his senior year. He decided he wanted to go to a military academy, and of course, it was too late to meet the requirements for application. Panicking about his future, he made the decision to join the Marines; and believe me, I was not a happy parent. In the end, however, it was a good choice for him.

Entering the realm of college preparation can be an overwhelming journey for many students. Some may find themselves unmotivated, dragging their feet, and questioning whether they are even college material. As parents, it’s essential to recognize this struggle and provide the necessary support and encouragement to help your student unlock their full potential.

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No Thank You: Keep Your Unsolicited Advice to Yourself


I spend a good deal of time talking about preparing your student for college and offering good college advice. But believe it or not, that’s not my total focus. My focus is helping parents help their child find the best path after high school graduation. 

It’s because of this focus, I was happy to read a post on Grown and Flown today called: Dear Friends and Family, Please Keep Your Snarky Opinions About My Teen’s College Choice to Yourself.

If you’re on Facebook (where most of us moms hang out) you’ve probably come across posts from proud parents announcing their high school senior’s college plans. Hiding in the shadows (and they shouldn’t be) are those parents whose senior chose to take a different path after graduation. 

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