Veterans Day–Thanking Those Who Served


marinesAbout 20 years ago, my son came to me and said he wanted to join the Marines. You can imagine–as a mom my heart dropped. I felt pride and angst all at the same time.

My father was a World War II veteran and I always loved to hear his war stories. Of course, I’m sure he spared me the painful ones, but I know he had some.

I’m sitting here today, as are we all, because these men in my life served in the military to defend our freedom. It was a decision they made and it took great courage knowing they might pay the ultimate sacrifice. I will always have admiration and respect for our veterans.

What better way to honor our veterans than by sharing some of my favorite posts from my blog and from others:

Our Military Academies–How to apply

If your son or daughter is considering a military academy? There are numerous steps they will need to take before applying.

Is Military College Right for your Student?

For those students who don’t want to attend one of the five military academies, military colleges can be an excellent option.

Best Colleges for Veterans

Do you know a veteran who wants to attend college?

A Tribute to Vietnam Vets on Veterans Day

One of the most heartfelt posts I have ever read and an example for future generations of Americans

Thank a veteran for his or her service today. We owe them a debt of gratitude.


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