Choosing the Right Career Path


Finding a job right after college can be particularly challenging for many individuals. After all, they have a degree but very little professional experience. In fact, the search for employment itself might seem like a full-time job thanks to the enormous amount of time and energy that it requires.

In today’s day and age, it is particularly important for recent graduates to choose the right career upon finishing college. But, how does one go about this effectively? Here are some strategies every recent grad should have on hand:

Choosing a field

eye doctorMany people start college without any idea of what they want to do when they graduate, but having some sort of idea before the job hunt begins is essential. While it may not be possible to have every moment of one’s personal and professional life mapped out, selecting a field in which to work is a good idea. Having a specific career in mind isn’t always necessary right away.

Often, it is the road less frequently traveled that reaps the most rewards, especially when it comes to one’s career. Being open to a number of different jobs within the preferred field also increases the chances of getting hired. This is particularly true when one wants to work within the healthcare industry. For example, working as an optician is a rewarding and respectable option. Check out Stanton Optical careers for some more information on this exciting sector.

 Do plenty of research

Just because college is over doesn’t mean the research and learning stops. Planning ahead and setting some concrete career goals are the essential first steps to landing the perfect job. One must understand his or her personal and professional strengths, weaknesses, interests, values, and personality. A self-assessment is critical in selecting the right professional path.

Network with others already in the preferred field

Networking plays an important role in the job search – it is actually the top job search strategy in every industry. Recent graduates should take advantage of every connection they have available, which means reaching out to friends, family, previous teachers, faculty, and employers in addition to utilizing their university’s Career Development Office. Connecting with professionals in the preferred field is also helpful, so attending job fairs, career seminars, and industry-specific events is a good idea.

Create an effective resume and cover letter

A good resume and an effective cover letter play an integral role in helping recruiters decide whom they will interview. Remember, these documents are the first impression most job hunters will get to make, so it had better be a good one! Cover letters must compliment the resume and highlight one’s talents and experience, but they should also be written with the specific employer and position in mind.

Look for job leads and start applying

There are a number of ways to look for a job. The traditional route of the newspaper’s classified ads works from time to time, but many college grads find work via online job postings, networking, and prospecting. It is important to widen the playing field and allow for as many opportunities for an interview as possible. Seeking jobs with large organizations and big corporations is acceptable, but applying with smaller employers may make getting started a lot easier.

On top of the above points, the key things to remember are, be persistent and don’t give up – with these thoughts in mind, a dream job will be gained in no time.

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