Parents–Upcoming #CampusChat Topics

I just received the agenda for the upcoming #CampusChat discussions. If you’re a parent of a college-bound teen (or even a parent of a college student), mark your calendars for some great information and some eye-opening realizations about college preparation.

#CampusChat is hosted by Kelly @collegevisit who is the founder of She works hard to find guests that are timely and helpful in the college search process, and especially helpful for parents.

Here is a list of upcoming guests and topics (Wednesdays at 9PM EST):

11/3 – Carol Christen – “What Color is Your Parachute for Teens”

11/10 – Jeannie Borin –

11/17 – Harlan Cohen – The Happiest Kid on Campus: A Parent’s Guide to the Very Best College Experience (for You and Your Child)

11/24 -Thanksgiving break-Happy Turkey Day!

12/01 – Tim Gasper, social media guru for Marquette University

12/08 – Maureen Tillman – (also writes for a regional NY Times news outlet)

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