Exploring Community College Options


Many graduating seniors have decided to take the community college path before heading off to a 4-year university. They will tell you that they’ve made that choice for several reasons: cost, academic preparation, and the freedom to stay at home for the first few years. Community colleges aren’t just training grounds for technical careers, they are also the first stop for about 4 in 10 of college-bound high school graduates.

Here are 8 reasons why community college might be a good fit for your college-bound teen:

  1. They lack the academic preparation to succeed in a 4-year program.
  2. They want to get the basics out of the way before taking on a rigourous college courseload.
  3. Cost is an issue and by going to a community college for 2 years provides  relatively inexpensive start to a higher education.
  4. They need flexible class schedules to accomodate a full-time job.
  5. They lack focus and don’t have any idea what type of career they want to pursue.
  6. They need extra attention from instructors and a smaller class environment.
  7. They feel intimidated by the prospect of attending a 4-year college.
  8. They want to pursue a technical career and can do so with a degree from a 2-year college.

Community college might not be for everyone. But, it might be a perfect fit for your teen. And, if your teen is planning on making it the start of a 4-year degree plan, do some research and verify that the classes will transfer to the university they plan to attend. There’s nothing more frustrating than taking a class and finding out the credits won’t transfer.

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