Tag Archives: college

Using Online Learning to Supplement Education

online learning

Most schools have been closed over the past few months, and continue to be closed, but this does not mean that learning has to stop. Online lessons have proven to be a great help.

You can find all types of resources online to help your student continue the learning process. Beginning in the early grades like third grade writing worksheets, and continuing as your student moves into junior high and high school. 

Online learning websites are widely available. With so many to choose from, there are many factors to consider when looking for the best. One of the main decisions you need to make is whether to pay for access to a learning website or whether to only use free resources. 

There is no right or wrong when determining whether to pay for lessons online. It is all about deciding what is right for you. If you are currently not in a position whereby you can afford to spend money on such lessons comfortably, then, of course, start with free resources until you can. 

Aside from this, you need to consider how motivated you are. If you are not a self-starter, you may struggle to stick with a free program. However, if you are paying for a service, it will certainly give you the extra push you need to study regularly. Moreover, if it means gaining access to a much better pool of online lessons, it may be worth paying for a learning website, especially if your time is precious. You could get to the same skill level, in the end, no matter what website you use, but with free resources, it may take a little bit longer, unless you find one that ticks all of the boxes, of course. If that is the case, then great! Also, if you need personalized help, you can get access to a live teacher and so on with some paid websites.

Supplementing learning with online music education

Online music lesson websites are widely available for those who want to learn from the comfort of their own home and have the freedom to practice as and when suits them. There are many benefits associated with this approach to learning an instrument or how to sing, as you will discover below.

One of the main reasons why so many people choose online music lessons is because they are much more cost-effective. Rather than paying a fee every time you have a lesson, you are more likely to pay a one-off cost for access to the website in question, or in some cases, you may need to pay monthly or annual fees. There are also free resources on the web for you to make the most of, meaning you are bound to find the right solution for your budget. 

Another benefit is that you have more control over your learning experience. You will be able to find resources suited to areas you feel you need more practice, and you can decide when you take the lessons, and how long for. You also have a much wider scope of music lessons online to choose from, including variation in the way these lessons are presented, from the written format to demonstration videos. You can also continue your lessons no matter where you go, which is ideal for those that travel a lot with work. Finally, you will be more inclined to experiment and take risks when you only have yourself to answer to.

Supporting Your Teen’s Dreams


We all have dreams in life, and these often start when we are young. 

When you were at high school, you may have had visions for your future, of the places you wanted to get to, and of the person you wanted to be. Hopefully, your dreams were realized.

So, let’s think about your teen. What are their dreams? What do they want in the future? And what colleges are they considering to achieve their future ideals?

As the parent, you need to be in a supportive role – the person who encourages their dreams, and not the person who crushes them.

In your role, these are some of the things you need to focus on.

Don’t be dismissive of your teen’s choices

Remember that your teen’s dreams may not necessarily equate with your dreams for them. Too many kids end up in colleges and careers they didn’t want, and that is because their parents have pushed them in directions they didn’t want to go. So, don’t be that parent who forces them down a path they are resistant to. If you catch your teen looking at the preflight checklist for pilots on the pages of an aeronautical university website, or if you hear them talking to their friends about colleges for the performing arts, be supportive. Don’t tell your teen that such career choices are pipe dreams, unrealistic, and not for them. Show them you support their choices, and if the colleges they look at really aren’t beyond the realms of reality for them, encourage them to take the right courses at high school that will meet the requirements of the colleges in question.

Encourage them in their education

As we suggested above, help your teen make the right choices when it comes to high school courses, especially if getting grades in these courses will qualify them for admission into the colleges they like. And when they are taking these courses, encourage your teen to work hard. If they need to study for tests, and if they need to write essays, remind your teen of their college goals every time they slacken off. Help your teen with their courses when they are struggling too. Be there when they need your help to study for tests and exams. Be there when they need your advice on a paper they have written. And be there whenever an obstacle arises that could potentially cause them to fail their course. The more help you can give them at high school, the greater the chances of them getting the grades they need for college.

Make their dreams become a reality

You can do this in all kinds of ways, from helping them find the right colleges for them, to helping them fill out their college applications. Take a look at the advice we gave on our site about what you can do to coach your college-bound teen too, as there is much you can do to prepare them for the next stage of their academic life. You can teach them some of the skills they will need at college, for example, and you can help them prepare for the pre-college tests they might need to take during the application process. The more you can do to support your teen, the better, so while you shouldn’t be overbearing within your responsibilities, you should still steer, gently cajole, and encourage your teen to ensure their dreams can come true.

Leaving for College


These have certainly been times of upheaval. Students were told to finish the year at home. Parents scrambled to help their teens adjust. Graduations were cancelled and even college plans are uncertain. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for the day when they will leave for college.

It seems like only yesterday you are dropping your child off at their first class, and they are upset about leaving you. But now your child has decided to go off to college and will be leaving you without so much as a wave before long. But this is a wonderful testament to the job you have done as a parent up to now, and it’s hard to forget just how much you have done for them, and How they are so successful already from your support and their hard work. There are a few things you can do to make sure that you have prepared yourself for the big day, and that you don’t end up too upset when it happens. Our children taking the plunge and becoming independent is something special, and something to be proud of. So what can you do to prepare yourself for this transition?

Be proud

Be proud of your child’s achievements. Sharing this with the world and your family and friends is important, and showing your child that you are proud of them will do great things for their confidence. It isn’t always about academic achievements of course, but it does show a certain level of resilience and confidence, as well as a hard-working nature to gain a place in a college. Making sure that you don’t forget the role you have played in getting into this point, and congratulating yourself for the great support you have given your child along the way, is important. So never feel as though you are going too far by showing your pride in your children.

Prepare practicalities

Making sure that all of the practicalities such as student accommodation and the small details are covered when it comes to preparing your child for college, will give you a sense of confidence that everything is taken care of. You can, of course, continue to support your child once they have left for college, and many people do send care packages on a regular basis. But making sure that your child knows where they are going, what they are doing, and they have the support there if they need it, will help you relax and feel much better about the whole situation.

Be there

Being there when your child needs you, or even when they don’t, is all we can do. Sometimes they will act as though they don’t need any support whatsoever, and this may be true for many grown-up children spreading their wings, and if we have done our jobs correctly then they really should be quite independent anyway, but just being ready to take a call, or be there when they need you, it’s going to be the most important job you can do when your child is going off to college. Being there is our number one role once all the basics of parenting are done, we teach them everything we can to a certain age, And then must take a step back to just support when needed. You will find that even the most independent college children will feel as though they have got everything under control, but we can always be there ready to catch them if they fall.

Colleges Contemplating Not Reopening in the Fall–What does that Mean?


Many of you are in this college limbo. Your student was accepted to college in the fall, you’ve accepted the offer, and now there’s talk of colleges not opening campus to students. The concern is that if one college does it, they will all follow suit–just as they did in March with the closings.

We are already seeing rumblings and articles in the news about colleges not reopening in the fall. Here are just a few:

Boston University Is First To Announce It May Postpone Opening Its Campus Until January 2021

Boston University appears to be the first American college or university to announce that it may not resume live classes until January 2021. If public health officials deem it unsafe for students to congregate, the campus could remain closed until the start of next year.

Richard Ekman, president of the non-profit Council of Independent Colleges, says that some of the 659 colleges in his group have begun quietly to consider whether they too will have to postpone campus openings. Some are discussing start date delays of a month. Others are looking at more extended closures. “They’re all waiting to get better health information,” he says.

Already, universities are planning for a fall without students on campus — just in case

“We’ve got to be prepared for 100 percent online and virtual and 100 percent on campus and everything in between,” said University of Massachusetts president Martin Meehan. The UMass system lost more than $100 million this school year due to COVID-19 and the refunding of student room and board fees.

Will Universities, Colleges, and Law Schools Campuses Reopen in Fall 2020?

Universities and law schools aren’t ready to make a decision because the pandemic is so fluid and there is so much uncertainty, nor do they have to yet. But the question is being discussed on a daily basis, and we have spent a good deal of time speaking with college presidents, provosts, and deans and trying our best to get the most recent and trust-worthy epidemiological modeling and medical community input.

Even if campuses reopen this fall, colleges worry many students won’t return

“This crisis is causing massive disruption to students, institutional operations and institutional finances. On some campuses, it is creating an existential threat, potentially resulting in closures,” Ted Mitchell, the group’s president, wrote in a letter to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

Even colleges with deep reserves are expecting a painful financial blow from the pandemic. Brown University was among the first to announce a hiring freeze, citing “dramatic reductions in revenue.” Yale University followed on March 31, asking departments to update budgets in preparation of a “significant loss” in revenue.

‘We’re on the edge of the precipice’: How the pandemic could shatter college dreams

Early national surveys ocof high school seniors are showing those who initially were bound for four-year colleges changing their first-choice schools for something less expensive. Some of those surveyed say they are thinking of giving up on going to college in the fall entirely.

The financial stress for families was cited. About 63 percent of students said they would still enroll in college but were worried about whether they could attend the school of their choice, while 17 percent said their plans have changed, according to the education consultants Art and Science Group.

Students with changed plans said in the survey that they would take a gap year, enroll part time at a four-year institution, go to community college, work full time or enroll in a certificate program. Some still didn’t know what their plans would be. Other surveys have also found similar conclusions.

Already, universities are planning for a fall without students on campus — just in case

Colleges and universities in Massachusetts and across the country have begun planning for what was once an unthinkable scenario but now may be a real possibility: a fall semester without students on campus.

University officials said they are trying to figure out how to re-open safely, how much public health testing is needed for students and staff to be on campus even if there’s no coronavirus cure, whether large lecture classes should be held, how many staff to employ, whether to augment their online capabilities, even what to charge students for online classes.

What will your student decide to do? Will they decide to take a gap year? Will they choose to enroll close to home and save money while living at home? Will they enroll and be satisfied with taking classes online?

Hopefully, colleges will know more by July and be able to make a concrete decision. It’s certainly uncertain times we live in and it’s especially affecting college students and their families.

Is College the Right Path?


Life can throw us curve balls when we least expect it, don’t you think? It doesn’t matter how old we are, what we are doing at that precise moment, rich, poor, in love, on our own. Life can be full of champagne but easily be filled with bitter lemons at a moments notice. Often we don’t really know what path we should be taking, we just go with what feels right, what we think we should be doing, or just basically making the best out of the deck of cards we have been dealt. So what is next when life can be ever-changing? If you find yourself at crossroads don’t despair especially about education. Here are some of the things that you could consider to help you make the right decision on what might be next for you. 

Learn something new and go back to school

Maybe learning is going to be the right thing for you, and perhaps you want to study to work towards gaining qualifications and degrees in specific areas or industry. This can be a great way to understand what career you want to take. Whether you decide to study from home or attend a university, the experience not just studying can really help you decide on what you want from life moving forward. 

Taking a job that’s linked to your degree 

Once you have gained your qualifications and degrees you may be wondering what is next and there are a number of things you can do with it. You could continue your educational journey, be more specific in the areas you work in and learn on the job. You could use your degree to gain a graduate job where you can be given an underlying overview of a company and a different role to play, there is more information here about how this could be a good option for you. Or you may have done all you can with the educational side of things and secure yourself a job that is specific to your degree and qualifications. 


Traveling is often the most popular way to spend a GAP year, and many students backpack across different countries, exploring their hidden gems and enjoying experiences like no other. However, you can also incorporate travel into your studies, and take advantage of trips for University students. They can work well alongside your courses as well as giving you amazing experiences. Traveling to remote parts of the world can also give you a new perspective on life and how you see things. Which can often change you as a person and help you later on in life. 

Volunteer and gain work experience

Maybe you want to use the time out for something good, and volunteering can be a great way to do it. Not only sure you doing good for someone or something, but you are also gaining valuable work experience in a different environment, which could help you seek out employment in the future. Volunteering can be something you do sporadically, or you could choose to focus on it full time. 

Let’s hope these suggestions help your consider your options regarding further education. 

Maintaining Good Grades in College

good grades

Most students who go to college are hoping to achieve great grades, ace their exams, and get into the career of their choice. However, things don’t always end up that way, as some find that their grades start to slide after a while. This is often due to factors such as an increased social life, bad lifestyle, and lack of proper rest among other things.

As a college student, it is important that you put your studies first in order to maintain good grades. It is very easy to get caught up in the excitement of college life, but unless you are very careful, this could have a serious negative impact on your education and the grades you achieve at college. In this article, we will look at some of the things you can do to maintain good grades.

Key Points of Consideration

There are various key points of consideration you have to think about if you want to achieve and maintain good grades. One of the things you have to be very careful about is your social life. There are lots of students who get caught up with partying and social events, which then leads to missed classes and substandard work.

Of course, there are ways in which you can catch up if it is just an odd class or two. For instance, there are sites that offer everything from class notes to homework help for economics and other subjects. However, regular missed classes due to hectic social lives will almost certainly end in disaster in terms of your education.

Another thing you have to be mindful of when you start college life and live away from home is your lifestyle. A huge number of students fail to eat properly when they start going to college. They sometimes skip meals and when they do eat, it is generally fast food and junk that they consume. In addition, many end up not getting enough sleep due to late nights out or last-minute cramming for tests and exams. All of this can take its toll both on your health and your ability to study. You, therefore, need to ensure you eat healthy, balanced meals and you don’t skip meals. In addition, get proper sleep and develop a nighttime routine so you are refreshed and ready to focus each morning.

Some students think that being disorganized is part and parcel of college life – it isn’t! If anything, you need to be more organized to ensure you are dedicating enough time to your studies. If you struggle to buckle down and get on with studying, try to develop a study timetable. You can factor in breaks and nights out in addition to your studies so you know when you have free time and when you should be sitting down and focusing.

With these tips, you should find it easier to focus on your studies. This means you can achieve and maintain good grades at college far more easily.  

How Not To Stress When Your Child Goes To College


Elation! That is the normal parental reaction when your child first received their acceptance email for college. Although, even while they are running around the house cheering, a parent’s thoughts can turn to worry. Of course, it is a parent’s lot to protect their child, and that does mean some worry along the way. However, being stressed before they have even left is only going to make it harder on everybody involved, including your kid. Luckily, there are some strategies you can use to keep parental stress to a minimum when your kids go off to college. Something that can ensure the whole process is easier on you as well as your child. Read on to find out what they are.

Be sure to shop around for student loans. 

Money is often a prime concern when it’s time to send your child off to study for a degree. It fact, it can be difficult for all parties involved if families cannot provide tuition and living costs needed. Of course, with many colleges charging anything up to $30,000 for a single year, few families have enough to cover the entire cost of their child’s education. 

There are a few ways to combat this, though. One, in particular, is shopping around for the best rate on student loans. In fact, it is entirely possible to use multiple loan providers for smaller amounts that total the sum needed. A strategy that can help to make a substantial saving overall. Something that, in turn, can relieve some of the stress on parents to provide all of the funding for their child’s higher education. 

Get them the safest accommodation. 

Next, you can really help to minimize any stress for yourself as a parent by making your child has the safest accommodation possible. After all, it is well known there is a culture of both theft and assault in such institutions. One that you will want to do your best to protect them from. 

Of course, when they have to share a room on campus, protecting them can be difficult. Although, finding your child a space to live like this student accommodation studio can help to solve this puzzle. The reason being that they can happily, and affordable live alone and have the security of CCTV and security lockable rooms as well. Something that will not only make them feel safer when they are home alone but can seriously reduce any worry for parents as well. 

Teach them to budget beforehand.

Of course, sourcing the money they need for college is only one half of the coin. In fact, if you want to reduce your stress as a parent in this situation, you must teach your child how to budget as well. 

After all, if they can manage their own finances at college competently, the likelihood of you being asking to bail them out economically becomes a lot less. Something that can significantly reduce the amount of worry and stress you experience while they are away studying for their degree.

How Many Colleges Should Your Student Apply To?

A few years ago I wrote this article for TeenLife online. With school starting and students beginning their college lists during junior year and finalizing the list at the start of senior year, this advice is particularly timely.


Most teens will tell you that making the college list is one of the most stressful times in their life. It’s a process that begins with a little bit of knowing what you like, what your goals are, and that intuition that every student takes to the table. Knowing yourself, your likes, and your dislikes will help you in the process.

There’s a theory among teens and many parents, which says, “The more colleges you apply to, the better your chances.” In theory it makes sense, but there are other things to consider besides hedging your bets with numbers.

Three Considerations When Applying to College

1. The Cost

College applications can be time-consuming and pricey, costing as much as $100 per application, unless you get the fees waived by the school or an organization. Ten schools at $100 each is $1,000. These application fees are non-refundable and aren’t applied toward your total cost of attendance. Although this should not be the only factor in determining the number of applications submitted, it should be considered.

2. The Time

Applying to college takes a tremendous amount of time, and each college has their own specific application criteria. The average college application usually takes about two hours to complete, not including writing the essay. Common sense dictates that the more applications you have to complete and collate, the less time you will spend on each individual application. The applications are your way of communicating who you are to a college—it’s not the time to spread yourself thin to rack up the numbers.

3. Quality vs. Quantity

Allen Grove, an admissions expert in the About.com College Admissions Guide, thinks it’s a little ridiculous when students apply to a dozen or more colleges. He can’t imagine how the student visited all those campuses, in addition to doing extensive research, and then decided that many schools were good matches.

“You see students who apply to every single Ivy League,” Grove says. “I just have to wonder if the student who is going to like Columbia (in New York City) is really going to like Dartmouth (located in a town of around 11,000 people). I find that unlikely, so I often think students who are sending out that many applications haven’t done their research.”

How Many is Too Many?

Most admissions officers generally advise students to apply to about five to seven colleges, but no more than 10. That includes a couple of safety schools (schools you’ll no doubt get into), a couple of match schools (schools you meet the requirements for), and a couple of reach schools (schools that are less likely to accept you).

In a Huffington Post article, Maura Kastberg, Executive Director of Student Services of RSC Your College Prep Expert, concurs with that advice. “There may be 20 colleges you want to attend, or you could have your heart set on just one. When you are applying to college, be practical. Most students should apply to somewhere between five to seven colleges. There are no guarantees that you will be accepted to the school you desire, but you should have a good idea about your chances of admission to each school.”

What Are the Criteria?

If you’ve done a thoughtful job when compiling your list, you should be able to answer the following questions (provided by Carolyn Lawrence of AdmissionsAdvice.com and contributing author to the College Admission Book blog): (http://collegeadmissionbook.com/blog/how-many-colleges-should-students-apply)

1. Can I explain why all of the colleges on my list are right for me?

If your answers to this question are superficial—such as rankings, prestige, location, or a friend’s suggestion—it’s likely your list is too long. Before you add any college to your list, you should be able to explain how the college aligns with the things you personally need to be happy and successful in college.

2. Will I have enough time and energy to put my best effort into every application?

Even the simplest applications require time and effort. Can you really handle the work involved in completing 15 or 20 applications? Be honest with yourself. It’s better to do an outstanding job on fewer applications than to do a so-so job on too many.

3. Do I love my safe bets” as much as I love my “reaches?

Build your college list from the bottom up; fall in love with the schools that are most likely to love you in return before you add colleges that are less likely to admit you. If you do, you’re apt to find that you really don’t need to apply to as many colleges as you think you do. Finally, don’t let fear sway you into panic mode.If you’ve carefully thought about the reasons why every college is on your list, and do your best job with each application, you’ll end up with great choices!

Even with all the right information, facts, and figures in place, choosing a college is more than just a list on a piece of paper. Most students will tell you that they just “knew” when they set foot on campus they knew it was right for them.

In an article for The New York Times, Jordanna Suriani, an admissions counselor at Ramapo College of New Jersey, writes that students who apply to several colleges because they’re undecided are doing themselves a disfavor come April when it’s time to make a decision. Once you get that acceptance letter, you have even less time to make a choice.

Ms. Suriani advises, “Figure out what you need and want now, and apply to schools which offer you most, if not all of it. Forget about trying to get as many acceptances as possible to places that don’t speak to you. Trust me. Come April, you’ll be glad you did.”

The Next Step After college decision day

college decision day

Yesterday was National College Decision Day. It’s the day your student made the final college decision and locked in their future. Now it’s time to move forward.

Your student can start by completing these tasks before transitioning to college.

1. Send in your deposit and apply for college housing

First things first—by now you should have sent in your deposit to your final college choice and applied for dorm housing. The national decision deadline is May 1st and there are no exceptions or do-overs. If you are even one day late, you may forfeit your place in their freshman class.

2. If you have chosen to defer, complete the necessary paperwork

If you have already decided to defer, contact the college and make sure that is an option. Most colleges will allow students to defer their admission for a year if they ask. But you must ask. Be sure to ask if you need to sign an agreement or make a deposit to hold your spot for next year.

3. If you are taking a gap year, finalize plans.

Gap years are becoming more popular among students and many colleges are even encouraging them. Take time to plan your gap year and have a clear purpose in mind. Whether you choose to travel abroad, stay home and work, or explore careers, it’s a good idea to finalize those plans before graduation.

4. Attend “Accepted Students Day” and register for orientation.

If at all possible, attend the college’s accepted student day. Colleges encourage students to attend to familiarize themselves with the college, meet other students, and use this event to make their final decision. Later, after you have accepted an offer of admission, you should try to attend college orientation. Don’t forget to register for this important event.

5. Consider a summer college program.

Many colleges offer summer pre-college or community service programs. Investigate the college you will be attending and ask if there are any programs in your area of interest or your intended major. Colleges like Brown University offer a wide variety of programs from academics to adventure.

For tasks 6-10, read the original article at TeenLife.com.

Being realistic about earning potential

Many families are unrealistic about covering the cost of an expensive college education. Many students admitted that paying for the education at a more expensive university would put a financial burden on their families, but they were still willing to risk it based on their perceived value of that education.

Student debt has become a family problem. According to the NY Post:

“When three generations of a family collaborate to tackle college costs and fail, the results can be catastrophic. Credit profiles are destroyed, homes and retirements are put at risk, and families land in bankruptcy court. Even then, in most cases higher-education loans, which average more than $30,000 per bachelor’s degree recipient, can only be deferred in bankruptcy, not discharged.

What you’re seeing now in the student-loan area is not only the debtor, but the family of the debtor,” said Manhattan bankruptcy lawyer Dave Shaev. “Mom and Dad are usually the co-signers, and sometimes Grandma or Grandpa are having to dive into retirement funds and home equities to try to bail out a daughter or son with student loans, because the jobs they are getting do not allow them to keep up on the payments.”

Being realistic about student debt and earning potential after graduation is an important part of your college decision.
Here are some tips to help make that decision:

1. Study various career paths

Research the jobs that involve your intended major. Don’t limit yourself to the obvious. You might find a career path that you had not even considered.

2. Investigate the earning potential of the career

These figures can be easily obtained through the Bureau of Labor Statistics projected earnings charts. Be realistic. You won’t be paid at the top of the scale right after graduation. Use the lowest percentage for your figures as a conservative estimate.

3. Learn about loan repayment

If you are borrowing money to attend college, don’t just assume you will make enough money to pay back those loans. Research repayment amounts (and monthly payments) to determine how much of your salary will go towards student loans.

4. Consider that life is more than dollar signs

If you are making five figures and employed at a job you detest, the money won’t soothe your misery. Being financially secure is everyone’s goal, but sometimes working at a job you love is worth its weight in gold. A career as a teacher can be as rewarding as being a doctor. You know yourself better than anyone else—pursue your passion.

5. The highest priced education is not always the best

A high-priced higher education is not always worth the dividend it pays. Investigate the cost of tuition and weigh that against your future earning potential. It is wise to consider community college, investigate trade schools, evaluate state college cost versus that of private universities, and even consider online accredited learning.

That degree from a so-called prestigious university might look great on your wall; but is it worth cost? Be a wise consumer and don’t go into debt on the promise of a five-figure salary. Study the statistics, put some thought into the process, and make an informed decision.